Jesus faced the incredible task of laying down his life as a ransom for the world. This task was traumatic and overwhelming, but Jesus accepted it willingly. After hanging on the cross for three hours, Jesus finally gave up his life. He was not helpless at the hands of those who crucifie...
Jesus, numbered with the transgressors, hangs before us on the cross. A look to Him will heal us of the serpent-bite of sin; will heal us at once -- "When he looketh upon it, he shall live." Let the reader who is mourning his sinfulness note the words -- "Everyone that looketh...
On the cross Jesus hung in agony. The soldiers divided his garments and cast lots for hisseamlessrobe. Various onlookers taunted him. Crucified on either side of Jesus were two convicted thieves, whom the soldiers dispatched at eventide by breaking their legs. The soldiers found Jesus already ...
Atonement (Yom Kippur) –Book of Life is closed at sundown when the Gates of Heaven are closed for another year.This is when Jews say the faithful aresealedin the Book of Life.The Christians are already sealed with the Holy Spirit, so they are taken.The Jews will be preserved during the...
Let’s give these two men on the Emmaus Road a little grace. 48-hours earlier Jesus was unrecognizable. He was beaten, bruised and bloody. His beard was plucked. He was naked and scarred. Some of their last images of Jesus were traumatic and grotesque. To think that Jesus survived the ...
This passion timeline enfolds over a 24 hour period and is adapted to make it available to believers worldwide on a 24/7 basis, as a means of honoring and accompanying Jesus the last twenty-four hours of His life on earth. The passion of Jesus beckons them throughout the day at frequen...
and meeting the challenge of spiritual warfare for the first time with a friend like Ian was a bonding experience. We’ve also spent more than a few hours sharing lives, struggles, and choices in the Old Pine coffee shop or my living room. I consider our friendship a treasure and look ...
The proclamation of the Lord’s death means to remember and annunciate why He died on the cross, and what His death accomplished for us. We are to remember how much He suffered for us. Jesus said, Do this in remembrance of me. It’s to be done with the understanding that it’s a ...
“I am prepared, first because of the goodness and grace of God, who wants me to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). It all started when He brought conviction of sin upon me through the Holy Spirit and led me to confess and turn away from a life of sin. His death on the cross for my si...
Here, in no order, are thenon-fictionbooks I read during 2024. I read many of my books while driving to work or running (I spent 225 hours running 1600 miles in 2024). The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpsonby Jeffrey Toobin. ...