JESUS CURES THE BLIND MAN (JOHN 9:1-11).Presents a reprint of the Biblical story on how Jesus Christ cured the blind man in John 9:1-11.EBSCO_AspBiblical Archaeology Review
The Pool of Siloam, where Jesus healed a blind man and whom Pastor John Hagee says is one of the most inspiring stories of the Bible, will open soon to the public and will put on display yet another affirmation of the validity of Holy Scripture....
Jesus helps a man who cannot walk - Then Jesus got back into the boat. He sailed across to the other side of the lake again. He went to Capernaum,
Richard Wigham 2024年8月11日 王輩之第二書 4:1-7 A Blind Man with 20/20 Spiritual Vision Richard Wigham 2024年8月11日 馬耳可傳福音書 10:32-52 When you cant see the light Joseph Michael 2024年8月11日 大五得詩 88 查看更多讲道 网站地图 首页 布道 关于 关注我们 联系我们 020-8891 393...
11 But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses...
encourage, see the good, speak truth in love, and have a knack of pointing you back to Christ. Paul’s letter to Philemon helps us to see what building up one another looks like. Building up in the church never stops because until Christ returns the church is a relational construction ...
We would be very upset to lose big numbers from church attendance. But Jesus knew that losing unbelievers from following him was no great loss. In fact, pruning dead limbs back to the living wood helps the health of the tree -- and the vine (see chapter 15). ...
Church is a great place to learn and be with other believers. But, do not get caught up in the entertainment, politics and mind-washing of many churches. Find one that teaches the Word of God and helps you to understand it. There are some good teaching churches out there but there are...
Those words touched a place inside me that ached for affirmation and assurance that I had what it took to be a man. I’m not going to lie: Tears filled my eyes, making it difficult to shove his feet into those boot-packed steps down the snow chute—one foot after another. ...
Or any other attacks on the human body. The elite fear the supernatural power of those who have The Spirit of God within them which comes by believing in God by Faith, Hope, & Love. The three greatest spiritual gifts. The Lake of Fire is within the man’s own soul palace. If he ...