“Some people brought a man who could neither hear nor speak and asked Jesus to lay a healing hand on him. He took the man off by himself, put his fingers in the man’s ears and some spit on the man’s tongue. Then Jesus looked up in prayer, groaned mightily, and commanded, “Ep...
My husband and I prayed through it. I read passages of the Word that reminded me of who God is. I immediately asked for prayer from my closest circle of friends and prayer warriors. When I found myself dwelling on the “what ifs” in the middle of the night, I tried to replace thos...
Through Jesus forgiving this man’s sins, he was free to receive all the blessings of God, which certainly included healing (Deuteronomy 7:15 and Psalm 103:3). Living Commentary (Andrew Wommack): (Quote): “It was obvious that this man needed healing, but Jesus forgave his sins. It’...
7) “Spiritual” miracles tended to excite Jesus more than physical ones. The scene with the paralytic lowered through the roof makes this point well. “Which is easier,” Jesus asked, “to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk...
A Man Lowered through a Roof 17 [f]One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing. 18 And some ...
some men were carrying on a mat a man who was paralyzed. They tried to bring him in and put him down before Jesus.19But because there were so many people there, they could not find a way in. So they went up on the roof and lowered the man on his mat through the ceiling into th...
And they will follow along with the text of Jesus’ ministry as they see a man in need of healing lowered down through the roof of a house. Parents, teachers, pastors, and children will rediscover these beloved parables and so much more as they read more than 90 stories in The Beginner...
They took their friend to the roof and broke through. Then they lowered their friend to Jesus to be healed. Verse 5 slays me every time: “Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” Later He heals the man and WALKS away. In my Bible, I’ve ...
3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their fait...
7) “Spiritual” miracles tended to excite Jesus more than physical ones. The scene with the paralytic lowered through the roof makes this point well. “Which is easier,” Jesus asked, “to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk...