In the midst of a voyage to Egypt in the 1990s, Paul became intrigued with the notion that Jesus had traveled extensively in the land of the pyramids, yet there was nothing written in the Bible about what he did there. This mysterious gap in the biography of the world’s most influential...
Going Back to Egypt? Do Unto Others The True Crown About What You Done What's the Tally?The Sound of Silence They Call Themselves ChristiansVapor Eyes Giving to God Confession of the Heart Real Giving to God Choose Where did Jesus say to give?
In reality, Anubis was a protector and judge of the dead and all round Pretty Cool Guy when compared to some of his sibling gods while Seth was originally god of the deserts of lower Egypt, the legends of his scheming and murder of Osiris a later myth. In fact, the statues found next...
May All Come To Pass Simultaneously Syria: Damascus to be a ruinous heap: Isaiah 17 ---> Psalms 83 ---> Zechariah 12 Egypt: Isaiah 19 ---> Daniel 9:27 ---> Exekiel 38 Revelation 13 2 Thess 2:1-12 - The Antichrist cannot be revealed until the "Restrainer" (Holy Spirit) is re...
According to tradition:Simon supposedly preached in Egypt and then joined the ApostleSt. Jude(Thaddaeus) inPersia. According to the apocryphalPassion of Simon and Jude, he was martyred by being cut in half with a saw, one of his chief iconographic symbols (another being a book). However, ac...
In this week’s podcast, we re-engage the series on the Name of Jesus. We left off, in ‘Why the Name of Jesus Works for Your Life‘ with a question Moses asked God after He told him to go to Egypt and deliver Israel. Moses asked God for His Name. What was God’s response and...
And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son [Jesus] MATTHEW 2:15 7 Stages of Creation According to Greek mythology, in the beginning their was chaos Then Erbes, the ...
Why did God seem to disapprove of man's invention of the brick in the story of the Tower? The guys will also spend some time talking about the exodus of the Hebrew people from ancient Egypt. It's one of the key events in Scripture, and it’s where the term Day of the Lord comes...
By the grace of God, along that agonizing journey into Egypt, or perhaps at some time in prison, in those desperate, lonely nights of half-sleep and weeping, young Joseph wrestled the spirits of self-esteem to the dust and, as his fathers had done before him, dared to believe in God...
Then in Exodus, we see the importance of a lamb again. In Exodus, God warns his people in Egypt that he is going to strike the Egyptians. If those who believe in God will put the blood of a lamb on their doorpost, God would have the angel of death go past them, saving them from...