Jesus begins forty days of solitary planning in the Perean hills. Early on, Jesus encounters Gabriel and the Constellation Father. Mon noon Jan 14 A.D. 26 p1504:4 135:8.6 Jesus returns to the company of John the Baptist at Pella for their final meeting in the flesh. John's...
In those Days before the Flood, the people were enjoying BANQUETS and PARTIES and WEDDINGS right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the Flood came and Swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes....
“But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, roo little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity” (Micah 5:2). “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and ...
Jesus would die on a cross in a matter of hours. He would be buried in a borrowed tomb. But 3-days later, on a Sunday morning 2,000 years ago, a squad of the Roman guards would come huffing into Caiaphas’ house, march down the hall to where he was and say, “The tomb where ...
Yes, it needed amendments over time but these were, and will be done by God on His timeline. Amendments can be seen as we draw parallels to the New Testament and fulfilling God’s prophecy of the New Covenant. Of course, parallels can be drawn first to Jesus, as He is God’s graciou...
In my estimation–as those who read these commentaries know–we have come to the specific point on God’s prophetic timeline that Jesus foretold. We are, I believe, in the time He described: “As it was in the days of Noah…and of Lot.” My own contemplation of things going on today...
He’s going to take His time in an enormous, glorious procession traveling toward Jerusalem for the final confrontation. Seventh Trumpet Let’s take a quick review of the judgments in Revelation. (If you want a more in-depth look, check out the end times timeline and book of Revelation ...
- The cup of suffering – either from punishment or from persecution- is waiting for all of us. The first baptism of Jesus was by water. The second baptism of Jesus was by spirit. The last baptism of Jesus was suffering and death. - Mat 20:22 But Jesus
(b)a 10 year period of tribulation, if a day = a year, that culminates in a final, more intense3 ½ years. (c ) “10 days of danger,” which will then be followed by a 7 year period of wrath. Christ returns for saints in the air, at the last trumpet (the shofar sounds mu...
Problems with the 'Bible Fraud' Timeline According to author Tony Bushby Jesus and Judas were the illegitimate twins of Miriamne Herod III, the granddaughter of Miriamne Herod I and Herod the Great. Miriamne was the younger sister of Herodias who was born c 15 BCE. This means that Miri...