“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”— Luke 4:21 Notice what He didn’t say. He didn’t say, “Someday this Scripture will be fulfilled” nor “This Scripture has already be fulfilled.” No, he said, “Today, renight here, it is being fulfilled.” In so many word...
God is always fighting for us, and Jesus is always interceding for us. Nothing we face do we face alone. As humans, it is easy to let our emotions get the upper hand and our minds to be troubled robbing us of the sweet rest that is found in our Lord and Savior. I find comfort ...
5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us[b]? 6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”[c] 7 Submit yourselves, then...
So he said to them, “Every kingdom that fights against itself will be destroyed. Every city or family that is divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he fights against himself. Then how can his kingdom stand? 27 You say I drive out demons by the ...
With his wounded hands, he fights for you. No one can really love without being wounded. Have you noticed? When young men went to war, mothers would write the names of their sons on their hands, so they would always be thinking about you. In WWW1, mothers would keep a photo of ...
Paul, who was arguably the greatest missionary for the Gospel in hi... Speaker: Pastor Dudley Rutherford Facebook Twitter Demolishing Strongholds - Part 2 - 03.22.20 As believers in Christ, we are in a war with the world, and we must fight differently than the world fights. We are ...
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Of course, that’s what Jesus has done for us. We are precious in His sight, and to bring us back to the Father, He did what He had to do to make that happen – He surrendered his life. He...
“Do not yet kill the green grass and trees” scripture. To save Earth they made a magnifier for the dimmed sun. That’s why it’s too white and too hot. Then they need a way to disperse the light otherwise it will burn down the Earth. Burning down the Earth may be their plan ...
Paul, who was arguably the greatest missionary for the Gospel in hi... Speaker: Pastor Dudley Rutherford 80/329 Facebook Twitter Demolishing Strongholds - Part 2 - 03.22.20 As believers in Christ, we are in a war with the world, and we must fight differently than the world fights. ...
When you meetDefender,God will show up as the one who fights on your behalf either on the spiritual warfare battlefield or in the Courts of Heaven. You will learn how and why you can access the defense of God in your everyday life. ...