Jesus Feeds Five Thousand - After this, Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias. A huge crowd
酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界6;30–44. Jesus Feeds Five ThousandChristopher Tyler Nickel、Clyde Mitchell、Carman J. Price、Vancouver Contemporary Orchestra、Fabiana Katz、Steven Bélanger、King James Bible、Catherine Redding00:00 04:37 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧!打开酷狗音乐...
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds
Biblical Values: Jesus Feeds the Five ThousandCrystal Bowman
Jesus Feeds the Five ThousandLuke 910 使徒回來,將所作的事告訴耶穌,耶穌就帶他們暗暗的離開那裡,往一座城去;那城名叫伯賽大。 11 但眾人知道了,就跟著他去;耶穌便接待他們,對他們講論神國的道,醫治那些需醫的人。 12 日頭快要平西,十二個門徒來對他說:請叫眾人散開,他們好往四面鄉村裡去借宿找吃的,...
Christopher Tyler Nickel、Clyde Mitchell、Carman J. Price、Vancouver Contemporary Orchestra、Fabiana Katz、Steven Bélanger、King James Bible、Catherine Redding - 6;30–44. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand 专辑:The Gospel According to Mark 歌手:Christopher Tyler NickelClyde MitchellCarman J. PriceVancouver Contem...
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand - After this, Jesus went across Lake Galilee (or, Lake Tiberias, as it is also called). A large crowd followed him, because
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. And a large crowd