It is stated that the key in this Gospel is a series of one-to-one encounters with Jesus, who meets groups or even crowds of people. But much of the story concerns the meeting with the individuals.america
(4:05) Moses and Joshua have encounters with God on “holy ground” but if God is always present in all of creation, isn’t all ground holy all the time? (15:02) In the New Testament, is the focus on holiness a call to moral purity? What is the difference between ritual and ...
The story of the woman at the well is one of the most iconic encounters in the Bible. Told inJohn 4:1-42, it depicts how Jesus, traveling through Samaria on the way to Galilee, sat down at a well in the town of Sychar. There, around noon, while His disciples were in town buying...
Others believe that the disciples did indeed experience Jesus' presence among them after his death, but think these encounters may not necessarily have involved the materialization of Jesus in the flesh. Still others interpret the biblical account of Jesus' resurrection as a kind of parable, meant...
Quite the opposite of seeking governmental power, Jesus spent leisurely dinners with prostitutes, thieves, the poor, sick and marginalized. He did so out of love for them and to care for them. The four biographies of Jesus in the Bible are filled with encounters of Jesus healing individuals....
not mere coincidences but subtle affirmations, filling our hearts with a tranquil assurance that our journey is guided with purpose and peace in His hands. Countless times, we’ve all felt the serene embrace of moments when everything falls seamlessly into place—encounters that felt like destiny...
现在我凭着信心接受主耶稣基督,成为我的主和救主。相信他为我灵魂的救赎。每天帮助我主尽你的意愿。我奉耶稣的名祈祷。阿们 約翰福音 14:13 你們奉我的名(耶穌)無論求什麼,我都必照著行,使父因子得榮耀 Please note I transfered site togays4jesus .com you can also access new sitehere...
A desolate and isolated place, often associated with testing and spiritual encounters in the Bible. It serves as the setting for Jesus' temptation.4. The DevilAlso known as Satan, the adversary who seeks to tempt Jesus and derail His mission. His role is to challenge Jesus' identity and ...
“There was a friend of mine in the orchestra; he just sit there and just flip through his bible, and he would take a pencil, and he would just underline…,” he recalled. During their coffee break, Fergus would notice his friend reading and underlining the Bible. Because he felt like...
Through the work of prison ministry, I read letter after letter from men in prison who describe encounters with the devil and evil spirits, haunting and taunting them. Behind the walls of prisons, demons are something known and feared. These men have been made out to be enemies of the stat...