Jesus took up his cross and died in order to give life. For us, taking up our cross consists of dying to our old selfish, sinful way of life and then following Jesus wherever he leads us, in Peter's words: "that we might die to sins and live for righteousness" (2:24). ...
I'm thinking of forming an official society under the Societies Act for the purpose of killing Him should he return. And should God send us His only daughter in flesh instead (for the purpose of dying for forgiveness of sins) then we should kill Her too. We need to show God-fearing pe...
Jesus died for our sins but we do not resurrect with him unless we have love in our hearts. That is why we understand that Jesus died for all, not just for those who have heard of Him. But on these fall the greater burden as they have the most sure means of obtaining eternal salv...
God’s love that night began to pour over me and overwhelmed me, I fell to my knees and prayed accepting that Jesus died for my sins. A great peace flooded over me and I have not been the same 17 years later. He dwells with me and has been my best friend, saviour and God. And ...
Don't wait for lots of entertainment. Jesus's life was not about having fun, but about our redemption, about witnessing Truth and serving others, about spirituality of one's soul, about life in God, and personal humility. And these all are well depicted in this great film. May God have...
Savior of the world, one thing is certain: He is alive in the hearts of millions, and this film helped capture the spirit of the Christian beliefs, making Jesus not so much an icon but a living, breathing Son of God, perfect in every way, Who loved us enough to die for our sins....
God is everything for us. God is everything love is. we believe that love is patient and kind. I Corinthians 13:4-5. God's love is revealed to us and to the world by Jesus, who gave himself for us, dying for our sins so that anyone who believes in him may be saved. John 3...
What is the evidence that the sacrifice of Jesus dying for our sins was accepted by God in heaven? The evidence is the resurrection of Jesus from death by God. By the resurrection, it is proved that Jesus has overcome death (or, in other words, death has no power over Him). Now, th...
What is the evidence that the sacrifice of Jesus dying for our sins was accepted by God in heaven? The evidence is the resurrection of Jesus from death by God. By the resurrection, it is proved that Jesus has overcome death (or, in other words, death has no power over Him). Now, th...
- We have allsinnedand deserve God's judgment.God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that Hediedfor our sins, taking the punishment that we ...