Jesus and Beelzebul - Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed.
Jesus and Beelzebul - Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed.
JESUS was driving out a demon [that was] mute, and when the demon had gone out, the mute person spoke and the crowds were amazed. Some of them said, By the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, He drives out demons. Others, to test Him, asked Him for a sign from heaven. ...
After driving out demons in a possessed man, Jesus sends him back home to his family to proclaim what God has done in his life. Mass Readings – Monday of the 4th Week of the Year (#323) *** Catholic Inspiration Archives St. Blaise & St....
Conversely, our churches are full of people who throw up their hands in response to synthy worship songs but deny Christ with their actions everywhere else throughout the week. We think we love God. We genuinely do. Many of us simply don’t have stop long enough to see our actions refle...
“For having hidden Himself for us in the inner principles of existent things, [God] is correspondingly spelled out by each visible thing as if by letters. [The Divine] is wholly present in all together in the fullest possible way and completely in each individually, whole and undiminished.”...
As Wade scoped out the area, he noticed a tall tree about 300 meters from the objective with a large open area between the two. Wade signaled to Metropax and whispered, “If I could climb the tree with my binos, I could probably get a pretty good look at the objective.” Metropax ...
48Then he said to them,“Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” 49“Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name...
“John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him because he wasn’t following us.”“Don’t stop him,” said Jesus, “because there is a no one who will perform a miracle in My name who can soon afterward speak evil of Me...
It was as if I had been living my whole life in a dark room, and suddenly, someone turned on the light. I remember walking out to my front porch and staring across the way, almost trance-like, in awe of what I now understood: it makes Satan happy for God’s people to blame him...