The great dividing mark in the experience of many Christians is that space between Malachi and Matthew. The proclamation of many churches is,“We are a New Testament church, who live by the new testament. The old testament was done away with at the cross” Some will go so far as to say...
1 John 3:8-10 - Jesus Died on the Cross to Save & Rescue Us The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. No one who is born of God will continue ...
When Jesus died on the cross, type met anti-type and the schoolmaster of the sacrifices ceased. Its job of teaching of the coming of Christ through actual practice was over. We no longer need to practice it, but we can learn much about the plan of salvation through it. We now understan...
The week was the exact week Jesus died on the cross! Here is the proof: The book of Daniel was written approximately 600 years before Jesus was born and walked on this earth. Daniel 9:25 says “know and understand this: from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem un...
The fourth piece of amazing Good News is that after Jesus died on the cross, he rose from the dead. Jesus was not in a coma. He really died. He had been speared in the side to verify his death. Then he was wrapped in grave clothes and placed in a rock tomb, the entrance to wh...
As Easter Sunday approaches and Christians everywhere remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, we can’t help but wonder about his mother who stuck by His side till the bitter end. How old was she when he died on the cross, and when did she realize what route her son's life was going ...
I’m challenging myself to post a picture every day during the month of November (30 Days To Be Thankful For) and to add a caption as to why I am thankful. — Emily Day 19, November 19 I am grateful that Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins. He became the...
The Old and the New Testaments speak of the truth of Jesus being raised from death - Jesus testified of his resurrection before He died on the cross, and his disciples witnessed his body after the resurrection. Below are the Bible verses and Scriptures that both prophesize the resurrection of...
overcame the devil’s temptation to sin. His life pleased God in heaven. Jesus took our sins and died on the cross for our sins. He is the saviour of our lives (Jesus is able to save us because He was not drowning). The purpose of Jesus dying on the cross is to pay the price ...
From a human perspective, an observer might think his prayers were not answered, because Jesus died on the cross. However, they were answered because the Father’s will was done—Jesus’ death and subsequent resurrection provided a way for others to understand the sacrificial love of God who ...