I cannot answer that question for you. You must examine your own life, compare it to God’s Words, and decide if you are abiding in Christ or cheapening His grace and sacrifice made for you on the cross. You do not have the liberty to continue in sin. That was never afforded you ...
Because that’s really where I was going to dominate my life for the next twenty years or so. I didn’t know it at the time, but I did have an alcoholic grandfather on my father’s side. And when I was about thirteen, out in the woods with a bunch of kids, somebody had ...
The great dividing mark in the experience of many Christians is that space between Malachi and Matthew. The proclamation of many churches is,“We are a New Testament church, who live by the new testament. The old testament was done away with at the cross” Some will go so far as to say...
From a human perspective, an observer might think his prayers were not answered, because Jesus died on the cross. However, they were answered because the Father’s will was done—Jesus’ death and subsequent resurrection provided a way for others to understand the sacrificial love of God who ...
164 “Another mistaken idea is that the thief on the cross was forgiven of his sins when the dying Christ answered: “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43.) These men on the cross were thieves. How could the Lord forgive a malefactor? They had broken laws. There ...
You know what? Jesus did that for you. He took God’s punishment for your sins when He died on the cross. Jesus said, ‘Father, <child’s name> cannot take the punishment for their sin (which is death), so I will take it for them.” ...
Whether He is the son of God or a pre-incarnation of Elvis, born of a virgin or an alien from another planet, or died on the cross for your sins or pulled a David Blaine and never died at all. As one Scripture writer discovered, beliefs only upgrade you to the level of demons. ...
He is the God who gave us His Son, who endured the fear of the cross and waited on the resurrecting power of the Spirit. All of that, for YOU. You, who wait. You, who fear. You, who cry in the middle of the night because life can hurt. You, who grieve. Jesus died for YOU...
3. Jesus died with the name of the rejected. Luke 9:22 says that Jesus must suffer refection (see Luke 17:25). Before Jesus died Pilate wrote a sign for Jesus and put it above Jesus on the cross. It said, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (John 19:19). Jesus didn’...
Saddened and Sobered Bible,Church,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Missional Living,Politics,Redeemer Church Comments on Dobbs Bible,Church,Counseling,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Missional Living,Preaching,Redeemer Church Advice for Listening to Preaching (Part 4) ...