f) The Spear-Thrust-Earthquake and Rending of the Veil2. The Buriala) The New Tombb) The Guard of SoldiersF. THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSIONThe Resurrection a Fundamental Fact1. The Resurrectiona) The Easter Morning-the Open Tomb(1) The Angel and the Keepers(2) Visit of the Women(3) ...
The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan from the very beginning of the birth of Jesus. The sin of mankind would require a sacrifice. The sinless life of Jesus was lived and given so that man could receive salvation and eternal life in heaven. The Scriptures below contain the...
raised from death - Jesus testified of his resurrection before He died on the cross, and his disciples witnessed his body after the resurrection. Below are the Bible verses and Scriptures that both prophesize the resurrection of Jesus and testify of the reality of the resurrected body of Christ...
The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[j] went into the holy city and appeared to many people. 54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had ...
said he was God or the Son of God." Their reason for saying such a thing is not because of a familiarity with the New Testament Scriptures of the Christian Bible, but because they have been taught from childhood that Jesus was not God or the Son of God and that "God has no sons."...
said he was God or the Son of God." Their reason for saying such a thing is not because of a familiarity with the New Testament Scriptures of the Christian Bible, but because they have been taught from childhood that Jesus was not God or the Son of God and that "God has no sons."...
Through the cross, He brought us into an eternal and loving relationship with Himself that will last forever. The Scriptures below will show you the way to enter into that relationship with Jesus, the Christ, our Lord and Savior. Start by following the "Roman Road to Salvation." Thanks ...
In addition to the major historical approaches presented in the last chapter, many have attempted to write more-or-less popular lives of Jesus. These authors often advocate unorthodox interpretations: Jesus never died on the cross; he was connected with the Qumran community; someone else changed ...
53 After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people. 54When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and said, “Truly this was the ...
The Scriptures are silent. A more practical problem for centuries of pilgrims and explorers was that no one knew where Bethsaida was. The Gospels allude to it as a “lonely place,”“across the lake,”“to the other side.” Josephus said it was in the lower Golan, above where the Jordan...