If Jesus died on a stake how did Pilate write king of Jews in 3 languages? If he wrote it super tiny, what was the purpose? Jacqueline (Bible Student) December 17, 2017 at 4:29 pm · Reply Anonymous, Welcome and thanks for commenting. You got your thinking cap on, that is a ...
After Jesus died, a wealthy man named Joseph asked Pilate to let him take Jesus’ body down from the stake. Yesu si mat ai hpang, lusu ai masha langai re ai Yosep gaw, Yesu a hkum tsawp hpe hpun shadaw kaw nna shayu na matu Pilat kaw ahkang hpyi ai. jw2019 He understood...
That Jesus died and was buried, and that on the third morning the tomb was empty, is not now seriously challenged. The theory of a swoon and a recovery in the tomb is impossible, and to it Strauss "practically gives its deathblow" (Orr, op. cit., 43). At Christ's burial a stone...
At the heart of the cults was the ritual re-enactment of the death and rebirth of the god, coupled with sundry fertility rites. The productivity of the soil, and of the tribe or nation, was at stake; by getting in touch with the mysterious forces that underlay the natural world, by sy...
and make me a new person in YOU right now. I believe that YOU are The SON of GOD and that YOU died on the cross for me. JESUS, I want to thank YOU for loving me enough to die for me. I accept all that YOUR shed Blood
The proclamation of the Lord’s death means to remember and annunciate why He died on the cross, and what His death accomplished for us. We are to remember how much He suffered for us. Jesus said, Do this in remembrance of me. It’s to be done with the understanding that it’s a ...
10-14-2024There are those now saying that Christ died in 33AD. If true we could have to wait 2 more years! Ugh! 10-13-2024Hooks in the Jaw of Turkey Are Already Pulling Them Toward the War 10-08-2024More Substantiation on Hurricane Control and Lithium Motive ...
Lazarus, a friend of Jesus' died and had been buried in a tomb for four days already. Yet Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth!" and dramatically raised him from the dead, witnessed by many. It is most significant that his enemies did not deny this miracle. Rather, they decided to kill ...
Billy Graham started out life as a Presbyterian, but as a young man he later switched to the Baptist denomination and became a Southern Baptist, even though his wife Ruth remained a Presbyterian until the day she died. I made that transition from Presbyterian to Southern Baptist myself, and ...
(1) Christians worshiped Jesus after his death. (2) Jesus died by crucifixion. Van Voorst writes, “Lucian’s verb originally meant ‘to impale, fix on a stake,’ but unquestionably refers here to crucifixion. He uses this verb exclusively for crucifixion; it also occurs in hisPrometheus2...