“Jesus Died For Our Sins”… Christianity’s Worst Teaching Is Debunked… Send It To The Trash Heap! Why Donating To Mission Of Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine, World Teacher & Friends, The Yellow Ray, And Other Websites) Is Extra Beneficial To Your Own Soul Mission! Lord...
Billy Graham and the Pope are simultaneously expecting the soon-coming Return of Jesus Christ to Earth to save us from chaos and from an Anti-Christ Dictator. . . I'd say it's definitely time for all Christians to start listening . . . and to also start looking up to the sky for ...
we formerly had Bible Studies, said to me - "You are a false prophet because you said the Rapture would come in 2022." After some thought and before she left the parking lot, I yelled across the lot to her, "you are totally ignorant!"...
Billy Graham started out life as a Presbyterian, but as a young man he later switched to the Baptist denomination and became a Southern Baptist, even though his wife Ruth remained a Presbyterian until the day she died. I made that transition from Presbyterian to Southern Baptist myself, and ...
“That’s great, May. But I’ve seen enough. I’m out as soon as my time’s up.” All eyes turned to Jay. He squirmed, not wanting to bring up a sore subject. “Well… I’ve given it a lot of thought. Prayed about it, you know? I think I need to stick to my original ...
Never doubt that because We Loved you so much I came to Save you and to also Set you Free from the Control of Sin so you would no longer be in it’s bondage as even some Christians today still are as they choose to be controlled by their Flesh which causes them much grief. Ask ...
Like Psalm 42 “ As the deer pants...My soul thirsts for you” the original meaning is Hebrew is “my throat thirsts for you.” Tim explains that the word Nephesh is designed to show the essential physicality of a person. Whereas “soul” connotes the non-physicality of a person. In...
(playing around while the Earth stabilized) until it was time to “install” a soul into the first man, Adam. OK, I may be out in the weeds on all this but again, it really doesn’t matter. God is timeless- He has to be as He created time- therefore, He cannot be bound by ...
being poor in Spirit. Believing that Jesus is the Savior that God promised. He lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death on your behalf, and was raised the third day conquering sin and death, so that by faith in Jesus you could have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The king...
The Warning – God Speaks To You Free eBook – PRIMER ONE – The Warning And Its Aftermath – Our Lord Jesus Christ Loves You – You Are Forgiven – I Give You My Mercy – By A Soul Jesus Christ – You Are Forgiven, I Give You My Mercy Jesus Christ – You Are Loved By Me And...