(1) describing what took place in each case, or (2) regarding God's action as a whole from the standpoint of the hereafter (cf. Romans 8:29, 30). These things. The truths respecting Christ's teaching and work. In this context the reference would be to the general contents of vers...
Christian scripture expresses Jesus' care for his followers by describing him as a shepherd. In recent years, some theologians have begun to question traditional views of the Incarnation and the Virgin Birth. They point out that "son of God" was a title that the ancient Hebrews gave to ...
Of the latter the most remarkable is where He says, "The kingdom of God is within you"-a statement preceded by a distinct rejection of the notion of an apocalyptic manifestation; for the word "observation," which He employs in describing the way in which the kingdom is not to come, ...
God basically gives Job a virtual tour of the universe, describing all of the incredible things that he has created. We see here that Job doesn?t really have the vantage point by which to accuse God. In the next part of the episode (31:04-46:20), the guys talk about the Behemoth ...
This disruptive, resurrection life only becomes more so after Jesus left the Holy Spirit, the so-called “comforter.” The first and most dramatic example comes on the day of Pentecost—when the coming of God is so confusing and upsetting, the only way a bystander has of describing it is ...
your body or even a single cell is so completely and absolutely complex that it MUST be engineered by a creator, you will not find faith from anything written here. If you need help, read this Wikipedia page describing the amazing complexity of the human brain:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Commandments that spell out crucial guidelines for embracing a covenant with God. The Gospels focus on “The Great Commandment,” which spells out, or summarizes the importance of loving God, ourselves, and others. Then there are the “Beatitudes” describing the many blessings for those who ...
Most modern scholars hold that the works describing Jesus were initially communicated by oral tradition, and were not committed to writing until several decades after Jesus' crucifixion. The earliest extant texts which refer to Jesus are Paul's letters, which are usually dated from the mid-1st ce...
SB: And that is not the Holy Spirit you’re describing? J: That is the feminine. And when that also explodes, it becomes the light. And I am that blend. SB: All right. Well, there’s definitely more for me to understand than I do at present because that is a very deep explanatio...
‘new normal’ as the media are describing our lives in the future. But for those who put God first in our lives and in our relationships, there is a constant, a reassurance, a thankfulness for what we have and a thankfulness for the ‘heavenly’ treasures we enjoy on earth, like God...