Why am I relating these early church fathers to creating icons in the twentyfirst century? Perhaps what we need to be emulating is not the outward form of early icons, but the Spirit that created them, and how we too can create Holy Spirit filled icons that will bless God’s people in...
In rebelling against God, we believe we are creating freedom and peace for ourselves. Yet when we remove ourselves out from under God’s power, protection, and peace, the opposite is actually true. It becomes a hell. George MacDonald, a mentor of C.S. Lewis, had said, “The central c...
An all encompassing energy that created the world and kept creating the world over and over, right before their eyes. For Hebrews, creation and sustaining the creation were not two separate ideas. Tim and Jon reflect on what it might look like if we adopted a similar worldview the ancients...
The mechanism of creation, or the means whereby the above aspects were accomplished, was by the Word of the Lord, that is, God said (= God willed it to happen1), and it happened. The purpose or motive of God in creating was to display His glory,2to make known His power, His wisdo...
YHVH(God) has been creating His family for 6000 years. He will raise us for His Kingdom to come. And beyond. All are welcome to join. Follow Jesus, Yah's Salvation, the King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah (YHVdH). How?'Fear & Honor Yah, and obey His10 commandments'.Simple!
“Land of the Gypsies”, the original Gypsies of Tower of Babel (Magdala=Magdalene; Babel=Gate of El) fame used the “Bee” to symbolize the Chaldean “Word” and their worldwide “Sting”, none more so than the Merovingian Kings of France who Bullshitted their way to creating the Holy...
Jesus Is Creating Fractals New Heavens and New Earth Restoring Earth To a Paradise The Next Thousand Years Will Be a Time For True Science True Construct of The Earth And The Universe Genetically Perfect The Mind Is Spirit and A Computer ...
Lou Scheimer: Creating The Filmation Generation Hailed as one of the fathers of Saturday morning television,Lou Scheimerwas the co-founder ofFilmation Studios, which for over 25 years provided animated excitement for TV and film. Always at the forefront, Scheimer’s company created the first DC...
God parted the RED sea; creating a way for His people to escape. Blinded by hatred, Pharaoh and his men attempted to follow after the Jews, but were destroyed when the RED sea collapsed in on them. Like Pharaoh, individuals within the Church that refuse Godly correction are bound to ...
Beginning with Abraham, God has been clear about revealing himself to us so that we could be in relationship with him. A relationship, not a religion, is God's ultimate purpose in creating us. Let's look at the beginning, with Adam and Eve. They had direct communication with God, and ...