d) Counting the Cost5. Martha and Mary6. Feast of the DedicationII. FROM THE ABODE AT BETHABARA TILL THE RAISING OF LAZARUS1. Parables of Lost Sheep, Lost Piece of Silver and Prodigal Son2. Parables of the Unjust Steward and the Rich Man and Lazarus3. The Summons to Bethany-Raising ...
So I held onto my glimmer of hope with all I had.Until one day when I awoke and the glimmer was gone.Hopelessness threatened to strangle me. That was the day I planned my demise, my exit from this cruel world, in a most calculating way. My plan involved mentally counting all the pil...
8:18-22 Counting the Cost of Following Jesus Very often, passages that deal with discipleship... PLUS Do your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and g...
Jesus makes it pretty clear. We either pursue an earthly kingdom where we are the hero…everything is geared toward our own glory…we’re the main character in our story,orwe pursue the kingdom that Jesus came to bring where He is the Hero…everything is geared toward bringing glory to...
became the refrain of the morning, punctuated by the rhythmic counting of push-ups and the labored breathing of Rangers struggling through flutter kicks. A short, stocky RI materialized before them, eyes scanning the ranger buddies with predatory intensity. “Well, well… Smith and Metropax. The...
“I’m writing down a thousand ways God loves me. I’m counting all the ways God loves me.”It began to profoundly change my life. I realized that joy is a function of gratitude and gratitude is a function of perspective. No matter what the situation was, could I change my ...
Love in the ethical teaching of Jesus is not merely a sentiment of affection; indeed, sentiment is not of primary importance. The parable of the Good Samaritan and the injunctions to do good without counting the cost (Matt 5:42; Luke 6:38) show that in essence is the performance of ...
The one thing I don’t want to get caught up in though is the intense emotional reactions that the media are counting on. It just divides us further! So it got me thinking about another post I wrote about being misunderstood/misrepresented: https://john4four.com/2018/07/31/do-you-...
In counting the cost for 2024 we are asking our friends and partners to share in the ministry. This year-end giving goal concentrates on these basic $25k costs. Thank you to everyone who contributes. Click here to support Wildmen Ministry ...
2000 years ago, Jesus told the unbelieving religious leaders what season and holiday he would return, by mentioning the words from a special prayer.How does the Hallel fit into, and shape, Messianic prophecy? Traditionalpredictions about Jesus fulfilling all the Feasts ...