Jesus Christ 耶稣(穌)基督Yēsū Jīdū Jesus! (inf!) 天哪!Tiān na! 在这些条目还发现'Jesus': 在英文解释里: WORD OF THE DAY sprain | gild GET THE DAILY EMAIL! 成为WordReference的支持者,浏览网站再也不受广告的打扰。
Welcome to Masihi Geet site. "Masihi Geet" is a Hindi word and it means Christian Songs. The sole purpose of putting up the Christian song site "Masihi Geet" is to bring glory to our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ. We will add many popular videos and christian songs in these pages. In f...
Video: The Lord (1:03 minutes) Video: The Life of Christ – Prophecy Fulfilled (3:59 minutes) Video: The Savior (5:06 minutes) *** LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD The Gospel As Told By Jesus Christ July 25, 2012 “The Invitation”
In this story ten lepers cried out for mercy from Jesus. On the way to show themselves to the priest as Jesus had commanded they were cleansed. This miracle of cleansing happened to all ten. What a moment of excitement this must have been. Their skin covered with pus and sores was now...
We all have that wonderful chorus ringing in our ears during the Yuletide season, “For Unto Us A Child Is Born.”Yet the Jews in their pig-headedness will tell you, “Jesus Christ was an imposter.” The best amongst the Jews will tell you, “Jesus Christ was a great teacher but ...
Anyone who has been in Sunday School or been to a good Sermon has heard of this story. And has garnered from it that Christ calms the storms in our lives. However, this pastor from today made a point I didn’t see before or even consider. That is this. That Satan caused the storm...