Jesus told his disciples, “Our friendLazarus sleeps,but I go that I maywake him up.”Then His disciples said, “Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.”However,Jesus spoke of his death,but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep.Then Jesus said to them plainly,“...
Notice what He didn’t say. He didn’t say, “Someday this Scripture will be fulfilled” nor “This Scripture has already be fulfilled.” No, he said, “Today, renight here, it is being fulfilled.” In so many words, he said loud and clear, “What Isaiah said about that Someone—...
The United States has three holidays which honor those who chose war over peace: Veterans' Day (those who fought and lived); Memorial Day (those who fought and died) and Independence Day (those who took up arms to abolish their government). ("Armed Forces Day" -- honoring those who are...
Jesus Comforts His Disciples - “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that
For example, Christian scripture proclaims that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death in an event known as the Resurrection. The disciples came to believe in Jesus' resurrection after they found his tomb empty and later encountered a living being, on several different ...
WHO KNOWS WHAT JESUS IS THINKING AT THIS PRECISE MOMENTas he entered the Garden? His disciples waited for Jesus and scripture states that he proceeded ahead of them to find some needed strength through prayer— this verse tells us he went “a stone’s throw.” ...
Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet - Now before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the
John tells us Judas knew the place where Jesus would probably be because He often went there with His disciples (John 18:2). It may have been that Judas went first to the upper room looking for Jesus and didn't find Him so he led the group of Temple police and Roman soldiers from ...
With great joy, these new disciples begin submitting themselves to the commandments of Jesus Christ; which emphasize their duty to evangelize. This scripture is often referred to as the ‘Great Commission.’ As we read in Genesis, the purpose of every living organism is to replicate after its...
a truth that has eluded me in the past and it has taken me to my knees with its revelation. Jesus, could have, when asked for clarification, taken it upon himself to go to John in person but rather chose to send forth the two inquiring disciples back with His answer to John. Father...