00:15 Jesus carrying the Holy Cross for all people - collage 00:10 Jesus and Wilderness - pan shot 00:10 Jesus throws up his hands with a smile 00:12 Holy man raises his hands against bright light 00:38 Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. January 2022. Incredible footage inside the church ...
Even as I was coming down the stairs to go to Holy Hour on Tuesday, the notebook that I use for the Messages and that I was carrying in my hand, very abruptly slipped from my hand – flew off – and hit the stairs so hard that one of its covers broke off and the images of Je...
Lit Prayer Candles in a Church for Wishes and Prayers 00:06 Madonna and Guy Ritchie carrying Rocco wave outside Dornoch Cathedral after Christening; 21 Dec 00 00:12 Low angle view statue of Virgin Mary against blue sky 00:04 Old figurines of Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus, (focus is un Vir...
Still, I must come to the greatest evil, the great darkness of confusion placed in the hearts of all Americans, especially the young. A light has been stolen, the truth that God created marriage between a man and a woman no longer burns brightly. Every type of disorder will...
“If we’re mindful that everyone we meet is carrying a heavy burden, we treat people with a different gentleness or with a different respect.”– Matthew Kelly That was probably the biggest lesson I learned from my first bout with cancer, that everyone has stuff going on inside of them ...
14Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said,“Young man, I say to you, get up!”15The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. ...
Not a few of the most touching scenes of His earthly ministry exhibit penitents at His feet, the most moving of them all being that of the woman who was "a sinner"; and, in the parable of the Prodigal Son, we have a full-length picture of the process of repentance.(b) Faith:The ...
How would my days be different if I viewed them from the perspective of being God’s daughter? What would it look like? for him to lead me through a day and me not just walk independently on my own. For me, it’s carrying on a conversation silently in prayer. That’s, that’s a...
The story “Little Things are Big” by Jesus Colon is about a Puerto Rican man who gets on train and sees a white women carrying a suitcase, a baby, and 2 more trailing her. The man wants to help her get off the train because she has a lot to care for. Getting of the train ...
C 17 Carryinga the cross by himself,b he went out to what is called Place of the Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. 18 There they crucified him and two others with him, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a sign made and put on the cross....