Jesus Calls the First DisciplesLuke 51 呼召四個門徒(太4:18~22;可1:16~20;約1:40~42)耶穌站在革尼撒勒湖邊,眾人擁擠他,要聽 神的道。 2 他看見兩隻船停在湖邊,漁夫離開船洗網去了。 3 他上了西門的那一隻船,請他撐開,離岸不遠,就坐下,從船上教導眾人。 4 講完了,就對西門說:“把船開到水深...
Jesus Calls the First DisciplesMatthew 418 耶穌在加利利海邊行走,看見弟兄二人,就是那稱呼彼得的西門和他兄弟安得烈,在海裡撒網;他們本是打魚的。 19 耶穌對他們說:來跟從我,我要叫你們得人如得魚一樣。 20 他們就立刻捨了網,跟從了他。 21 從那裡往前走,又看見弟兄二人,就是西庇太的兒子雅各和他兄弟約翰...
Jesus Calls the First Disciples - One day Jesus was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret while the people pushed their way up to him to listen to
Jesus Calls the First Disciples (Mt 4:18–22;Lk 5:1–11) 16As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen.17And Jesus said to them,“FollowmeandIwillmakeyoufishforpeople.”18And immediately they left ...
$1 Signup SaleBecome a Broadcaster Broadcaster Dashboard Always do this from now on 00:00 43:14 SeriesGospel of John Bookmark Promote Download Share Speaker Peter J Gordon Broadcaster Born Again Christians As we concentrate on Andrew tonight, I want to look at Andrew the soul-winner for Chri...
Jesus Calls the First Disciples - The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples,
16 the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”f n 17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaveno has come near.” Jesus Calls His First Disciples 4:18...
Jesus Heals Many 42:40 Rod Mitchell • 7/7/24 The Revelation Through The Tabernacle - Part 2 44:21 Rod Mitchell • 7/2/24 Jesus Casts Out An Unclean Spirit 39:25 Rod Mitchell • 6/30/24 The Revelation of God Through The Tabernacle 54:13 Rod Mitchell • 6/25/24 Add...
JESUS CALLS HIS DISCIPLES! 〔Traditional Chinese〕 海羅伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 二○一八年七月廿一日 星期六晚 在洛杉磯浸信會幕所宣之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Saturday Evening, July 21, 2018 ...
18.calls Peter and Andrew, 21.James and John; 23.teaches and heals all the diseased. Berean Study Bible Follow Me This phrase is a direct call from Jesus, inviting Simon Peter and Andrew to become His disciples. The Greek word for "follow" is "ἀκολουθέω" (akoloutheó)...