Those who have eyes to see will see the beauty of following the Bible "script". No need to add anything else. Look deeper, see Christ's person in this film - you will be amazed by the spiritual wealth of His simplicity. How can someone call this "boring"?!
and a great many "digital tracts"... what we have for decades now been calling our "e-tracts" (or "etracts"), a term that we here employ to reference both "electronic-tracts" and our recognition of the wonderful worldwide-evangelism potential of the Internet. ...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
I was called to be an evangelist who would teach the members how to biblically witness according to the methodologies outlined in the Bible. It was with this calling I was seeking leadership who would allow the idea of open air
God is always calling the people of Israel home from exile. In Jesus, we are all being called home. Are you willing to come back home during the darkness of Halloween? What is holding you back from passing through the gates, from building up the highway for others getting free? In Isai...
Version1b, Oct. 26, 2006. Copyright 2006 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. Street Tracts International - excerpt from a tract in the Truth For East Asia series Here's a surprising fact that you maybe haven't ever realized:Did you know that Jesus fishes? He still fishes, even today, even ...
Version1b, Oct. 26, 2006. Copyright 2006 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. Street Tracts International - excerpt from a tract in the Truth For East Asia series Here's a surprising fact that you maybe haven't ever realized:Did you know that Jesus fishes? He still fishes, even today, even ...
Colleen Mallette compares the story of Nathanael’s calling as a disciple to our calling as Christians. “I saw you under the fig tree.” (John 1:48) Jesus said this to Nathanael the first time they met. Implied in that comment is the idea that Jesus was not actually present or anywhe...
What part of me was living a Christian life that could justify calling myself a Christian? That all changed a few years ago when the Holy Spirit moved my heart closer to God. I started attending church, got married, became a father, and humbled myself as the worst of sinners before an...
(began Mar 20, 2014 by many accounts and was astrologically confirmed by a Planetary Grand Cross Alignment and Lunar Eclipse) and 21 years for Sargon the Great to be declared “Legitimate King”; all totaled, Creation will be 5997 yrs old this Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 8, 2014), and ...