Those who have eyes to see will see the beauty of following the Bible "script". No need to add anything else. Look deeper, see Christ's person in this film - you will be amazed by the spiritual wealth of His simplicity. How can someone call this "boring"?!
‘They betrayed vulnerable women, themselves, their calling and the caring message of Jesus Christ’ – Archbishop By Patsy McGarry and Jack PowerTue Jan 12 2021 - 21:56 Ross O’Carroll-Kelly: ‘The pressure of being the cool parent ends up being too much’ “Ross, I’m in a terrible...
01-31-2024Deeper Look at Hebrew Calendar 01-26-2024Look Up- I am Calling this the 26th Even Though It will Be Sent on the 25th 01-25-2024Street Preacher in Philly Telling the Truth 01-19-2024War in April 01-17-2024Sleeping on the Edge of a Volcano 01-14-2024Whomsoever 01-11-2024...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
If you’re a Christian and you have NOT, you stand REBUKED IN JESUS’ NAME. Please don’t tell me that’s not your gifting or calling, you’re a hypocrite. Repent of your apathy towards the oppressed and orphans of this world.
God is always calling the people of Israel home from exile. In Jesus, we are all being called home. Are you willing to come back home during the darkness of Halloween? What is holding you back from passing through the gates, from building up the highway for others getting free? In Isai...
Jesus: I have a calling for everyone. That does not mean that each one will live perfectly aligned to My desire for them. Some take only an occasional detour. Some refuse to acknowledge Me at all and serve only “themselves”. I put my reference to their own desires in quotes because ...
In recent weeks there has been a chorus of Americans calling for President Trump to pardon all of the January 6 defendants on Day 1. Many also want the truth of government involvement on January 6 to be revealed. While these calls for blanket pardons are well-intentioned, pardons might not...
v. 25-27 Jesus gently reminds them that they had failed to believe the prophets when they spoke about His sufferings. As good Jews, they expected the Messiah to be a commander of an army who would free Israel from their enemies, in particular Rome. Sometimes, we want the Bible to say ...
(2 Cor. 5:19-20) Remember that your first and foremost calling is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that gospel is a twofold message: His death for our sins and His resurrection for our lives. — Kay Arthur 20 The devil, darkness, and death may swagger and boast, the ...