Then all the disciplesdesertedhim and fled. (Matthew 26v56) In this story of betrayal, the disciples desert Jesus. When Jesus called his disciples to follow him towards the beginning of the book of Matthew, these same men “deserted” their vocations, homes, families, and friends to apprenti...
These same disciples see Jesus alive from the dead. When Jesus sees Mary Magdalene weeping by the empty tomb, he enters into her grief, asking, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” (John 20:15). Later, he finds Thomas entrenched in doubt and asks him, “Have you be...
Mary lifted her voice to mingle her praise with the cooing dove’s worship, “I give thanks to You, Adonai, for the rest You provided through the night and for Your Spirit who breathes life into me this new day. Great is Your love toward me. Your faithfulness endures forever.” She ...
some find this so hard that they leave Jesus for good. The rest readily admit they are still working on what it means to follow Him. So Jesus leaves behind a number of practices to help believers. One of these is known as the Lord’s Supper. Jesus instructs His disciples to break bre...
Breathes deep. One word blazes across my brain: Faithfulness. Several years ago, while I walking through some tough times emotionally and trying to navigate adult life in the awkward way we are prone to do… I went to visit family in Ohio. I’m told that I adopt family every chance I ...
It's in the afflictions that God's glory shines its brightest. When a lame man walks. When a man born blind sees. It's at times like that the Jesus' glory peeks out for all to see. And on the dark, dark day of the cross, when Jesus says, "It is finished," and breathes his...
Where was the promisedHoly Spiritin the disciples'apostatizingof each other?? The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [1] Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible:
encouragement to think about these things on the basis of our Lord’s word. It does not provide an exact answer. But it sends us to Christ in faith and hope. Mark begins by telling us, “And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them....
know that the Spirit will give you the courage you need when you ask Him. Now is the time for you to be led by your passion for Jesus. You can be a disciple of Jesus. You can make disciples of Jesus, because you are filled with the Holy Spirit. God has shared a bit of His ...
It includes eating, building homes, and talking with real bodies that have been glorified just as Jesus was when He appeared to the disciples after He arose. He had skin and bones and even ate some food! He was not a disembodied whispy spirit. ...