That end was achieved for a long time by permitting Herod to remain king of Judaea (37–4 bce) and allowing him a free hand in governing his kingdom, as long as the requirements of stability and loyalty were met. When Herod died shortly after Jesus’ birth, his kingdom was divided ...
Yes, it needed amendments over time but these were, and will be done by God on His timeline. Amendments can be seen as we draw parallels to the New Testament and fulfilling God’s prophecy of the New Covenant. Of course, parallels can be drawn first to Jesus, as He is God’s graciou...
The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan from the very beginning of the birth of Jesus. The death of Jesus on the cross is the central message and summary of the saving Gospel.
As we saw above, an Angel told Joseph about the birth of the child. Later, after Jesus was born, an angel warned Joseph to take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. The angel said “Stay there until I tell you for Herod is going to search for the child to kill Him.” ...
They celebrate His birth. They totally ignore what He taught and commanded. God allows such a paradox, and because God is sovereign over all things, even paradoxical things which He did not ordain can point to Him. Jesus never wanted anyone to celebrate His birth, and neither did the early...
I could make a case that within all humans is a memory trace to a true, good, and wise king. From birth, we’re raised with heroic legends and folklore like Richard the Lionheart or Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. We flock to cinema to see the romanticized stories of Disne...
The Birth Date of Jesus The gospel of Mark, often considered the first written, is moot as to when Jesus was born. The gospel of John asserts that Jesus is the word and existed since the beginning of creation. Both of these gospels seem to represent the Hellenized Pauline Gnostic interpret...
Hebrews 2:14-15 tells us succinctly what the whole of Scripture tells us in many stories and an easily solved puzzle. The Jewish prophets said Yeshua would come like He did, telling us many facts about His birth and death. The Disciples and Apostles, mostly Jewish, would explain to the ...
the year of the death of Herod of Judea. This would not have been a notable event from the perspective of the Roman Empire. Our best guesses as to the population of the Roman Empire at the time lie at around 50 million people - and at the point of his birth, Jesus would have been...
Most of us were raised during the times when life was easy as we went to church every sunday, out to lunch with friends afterwards etc…sunday school, vacation bible school etc…we have heard the stories of Noahs’ Ark, Jonah and the Whale…Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection…we believ...