Lord Raptor Jesus: Created by Lord Raptor Jesus. With Lord Raptor Jesus, Dean, Ryzie Lee, Matt Bahr.
Kostenlose Nutzung unter der Pixabay-Inhaltslizenz Download 22 Speichern Aufrufe665 Downloads277Details anzeigen JESUS-CHRIST-IS-LORD1.170 Follower Folgen Sorry, Pixabay won't let me upload anymore. See YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/@JESUSCHRISTISLORDOFALLMINISTRY Mehr anzeigenMehr...
Question : In the Book of Revelation we find the verse, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8). But what do you do with Revelation 22:13, which appears to be Jesus speaking (see verse 16), wh...
and millions will be instantly gone, and safe at home in heaven. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father....
Free for use under the Pixabay Content License Download 22 Save Views661 Downloads275Show details JESUS-CHRIST-IS-LORD1,169 followers Follow Sorry, Pixabay won't let me upload anymore. See YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/@JESUSCHRISTISLORDOFALLMINISTRY Show moreOver...
When His apostle Thomas saw the Glorified Physical Body of the Resurrected Jesus and was told to touch the wounds in His side and His hands, Thomas fell down to his knees saying "My Lord and My God!" and Thomas at that point worshiped Him as God. Muslims may sometimes tell you that...
Jesus Witness Ministries Come to JESUS for Salvation! Marital Peace Mar062021 Marital Peace Covenant Day of Marital Peace What is Peace In the Marriage Peace is something you must continually strive for, commit to, and work purposefully to maintain even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Enj...
under the influence of drugs and alcohol, eventually leading to an attempted suicide by drug overdose. He dropped out of school at 17 and found himself in and out of city and county jails. After spending time in Mira Loma Detention Center, he realized he never wanted to be locked up ...
lordjesus/UnityNEAT master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit History30 Commits UnityNEAT .gitattributes .gitignore README.md View all files Repository files navigation README UnityNEAT UnityNEAT is a port of SharpNEAT from pure C# 4.0 to Unity 4.x, 5 and 2017.1 (using ...
God sent Jesus down to Earth as a mirror image of him to help the world. God can change anyone, and I suggest you read the Bible. You never know when the end is, and it's time to stop playing games. Those who don't accept the lord as their Lord and Savior will be sent to ...