In contemporary research on the figure of historical Jesus, the dominant theory is that he was an apocalyptic prophet, heralding the imminent coming of the end of the present world and the coming of the eschatological kingdom of God. Beginning with the work of Albert ...
We are all born as sinners. We're all born with a tendency toward doing things our way, instead of God's way. We all sin. That's why the prophet David cried out, "With sin, my mother conceived me." We all were born with sin. We live as sinful people and we all need a redee...
Each sheds its own light on the meaning of the Easter festival. Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century in a land known today as Israel. He was born into a humble, Jewish family and apparently had a number of brothers, and perhaps sisters as well. At the time of Jesus' birth ...
9. Jesus as Prophet: Jesus' Eschatology The authors write, "At the centre of Jesus' eschatological preaching stands the saving message of the kingly rule of God (basileia tou qeou) which is proclaimed on the one hand as already having come and on the other as imminent." (p. 240) The ...
Now inferring Jesus was a prophet, she then began to speak on religious matters, specifically noting that Jews believe the place they must worship is Jerusalem (v. 20). “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor...
We can consider Jesus Christ as a prophet, because he proclaimed and acted out the prophetic Gospel message through healing, teaching, and sacrificing his life. In all of these ways, Jesus invites people to accept the love of God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit. As we follow...
while John probes themeaningof the account. John assumes that his readers, at least his Christian readers, are familiar with one or more of the Synoptic Gospels. So he is free to take us deeper. Jesus' teaching on the Bread of Life serves as a kind of parallel teaching to the Words of...
And this was the name by which the Holy Prophet was well known among the people even prior to the Call. According to the Hebrew lexicon, the meaning of this term is ‘to be honest and truthful’, not only in money matters but in a much broader sense, as its significance is: faith...
The second part of the name Bar-Jesus is obviously the same as the very common name Jesus, which is aGreektransliteration of theHebrewname Joshua, and that name comes from the root groupישע(yasha'), meaning to save, andשוע(shawa), meaning to cry for help: ...
(Matt. 26:21-25), and now He tells the disciples that they too will deny Him before the night is over. Jesus sees this as a fulfillment the prophecy in Zechariah 13:7. The Hebrew prophet declared long ago that God would strike the Shepherd and the flock would flee. Jesus said to ...