Jesus Arrested - When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and
Jesus is making a play on words. He notes the irony of the situation. By day, he has been teaching openly in the very temple that these soldiers have been guarding, and yet they have not arrested him there in the full light of day. Rather, they wait for the cover of darkness of ni...
Jesus Arrested - Just as he was speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, appeared. With him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief
Jesus Arrested 22:47–53pp—Mt 26:47–56; Mk 14:43–50; Jn 18:3–11 47 While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, 48 but Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying...
Jesus was arrested, tried, and found guilty of claiming to be a king. His body was hung on a cross between two thieves. After his death, Jesus’ body was wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb with a large stone rolled across the opening. On the third day, an early Sunday mor...
12 So the band of soldiers and their captain and the officers of the Jews4 arrested Jesus and bound him. 13 First they yled him to zAnnas, for he was the father-in-law of aCaiaphas, who was high priest that year. 14 It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jews bthat it would be ex...
This occurred before Jesus was arrested on Holy Thursday and His crucifixion on Good Friday. 4. "Hosanna" is Found in the New Testament If you read the New Living Translation as quoted above, you will miss the references to “hosanna.” The NLT translates “hosanna” to “Praise God.” ...
dissent,” Nettleton said. “We have heard multiple stories this year of Bible study, a home church being raided. Everyone there is photographed, everyone there is questioned. But then the leader of the meeting is held on to. They are arrested. They are detained, they’re put in...
After being arrested, Jesus was interrogated by the religious leaders who sought to discover some hidden sin in His teachings by which He might be condemned. In response, Jesus reminded them that He had always taught publicly; proclaiming the truth with complete transparency. Rather than trying to...
in fact he challenged Yeshua to perform another public miracle and to come off the cross with his magick. Flipping over all the coin changing tables near the Temple Mount alone could be seen as the misdemeanor of "criminal mischief". However, Yeshua was actually arrested for blasphemy, his cr...