The Celebration of my Birthday began many years ago as my Disciples, the Shepherds and all those who believed in me and The Heavenly Host rejoiced in my earthly Birth in a Manger and I also received Presents from Wise Men who knew of my Birth by the Signs that were recorded and they ...
11 When they were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples 2 and said to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden; untie it and...
Obviously she has a screw lose, but she’s only 29 years old. There’s still time for her to get whatever help she needs and resume a normal life. But if she goes thru with it she’ll always be the crazy chick that married Charles Manson. Maybe that’s what it’s all about. We...
Jesus Christ Superstar: Regia di Norman Jewison. Con Ted Neeley, Carl Anderson, Yvonne Elliman, Barry Dennen. Versione cinematografica della rappresentazione teatrale musicale delle ultime settimane della vita di Cristo, raccontate in modo anacronistico.
Then all the disciplesdesertedhim and fled. (Matthew 26v56) In this story of betrayal, the disciples desert Jesus. When Jesus called his disciples to follow him towards the beginning of the book of Matthew, these same men “deserted” their vocations, homes, families, and friends to apprenti...
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). The disciples have two questions;(a)when will the temple be...
(Natural History xxx.2.3), but a "principle of the division of labor appears to have spared Zoroaster most of the responsibility for introducing the dark arts to the Greek and Roman worlds. That dubious honor went to another fabulous magus, Ostanes, to whom most of the pseudepigraphic ...
Jesus was “confirming the covenant” with the children of Israel during His ministry. With them he spent most of His time. His plea of the coming Kingdom of God was a message primarily to the Jews. He also told His disciples to do the same: ...
This was new to me. Also new was that Jesus and his disciples claimed He was God and He existed from the beginning even before Abraham. He even claimed the name of God given to Moses at the burning bush i.e. I AM. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and...
It’s difficult to imagine what Jesus’ disciples actually saw on Easter morning. The writer Frederick Buechner once tried, memorably describing them as encountering “some new and terrible version” of Jesus, “disfigured by the mutilations of the Cross” while standing up and moving toward them...