Dec 22, 2011 Rating My mother said she received your brochures! by: Anonymous I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My mother received your brochures. There is a picture of Jesus Christ and Mary and two children or something like that she said! Thank you for sending ...
Daily Prayers Of The Children Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary – Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Guidance For Priests – Holy Love Messages For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals – Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity ...
MARY, AS MOTHER OF JESUS, IS THE MOTHER OF ALL THE LIVING AND EVEN OF LIFE ITSELFGenesis 3:20- “And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all the living.” Eve was called the “mother of all the living” because all who had life descended from her. ...
Let us look at Song of Songs 3:4 "Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother's house, to the room of the one who conceived me." So in other words, she was not married to him, ...
heart and the prophecy of a sign of contradiction. She realizes that the mission and the identity itself of that Son exceed her being Mother. We then arrive at the episode of Jesus who is lost in Jerusalem, and she asks: “Son, why have you treated us so?” (Luke 2:48), and ...
was on the road down to Emmaus. And they were walking along talking, grieved at their heart. And a Man stepped out of the bush, and walked with them the rest of the day, talking to them about Christ. And that evening they asked Him. He act like He was going to pass them by, bu...
I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.(Psalm 51: 5).The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.(Genesis 6: 5) If we follow our own hearts, then ...
Jing Dianying (1890–1957) was considered the heart of The Jesus Family. Growing up in rural Tai’an, Shandong province, he was the fifth child in his family, having lost both his mother and father within a period of two years between the age of thirteen and fifteen. His private ...
The Scriptures make it clear that the mother of our Lord was a Jewess, and that He became incarnate in the midst of a Jewish environment. If it were proved that this environment was also Essene, Christian theology would lose nothing and the uniqueness of Jesus would be no more disproved ...
Matthew 1:18-23Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was...