Was Social Justice Part of Jesus’ Message? Oh Yes. 4 Scriptures. Book Reviews: I’ve RE-read 10 Excellent Ones Recently (List 1) Love God – Can Even GOD Demand That? Well, Yes and No. Do They Hate You Too? To Not Be Persecuted, Avoid These Traits – 3 Lists ...
According to the Scriptures "Whatever the scriptures say God Can Do JESUS CHRIST Did It"Carl Williams Subscribe Share Embed 23 Feb 04, 2024 03:58 Proving by written Holy Scripture that JESUS CHRIST is the great god and there is none other but he. 在网络上 10 Mobile Apps That Can ...
They thought they had eternal life in the scriptures, and yet they did not receive nor acknowledge him whom to know was eternal life. Therefore our Lord Jesus sends them back again to the scriptures: -- "Go and search them; you think, and you think well, that in them ye may find the...
Oh Yes. 4 Scriptures. Posted: June 20, 2023 What does Jesus say about social justice? I’m not going to argue percentages here. Let’s just see some very clear things he said so we can deliberately choose to believe in him – or not. 0 comments About PublicChristian Posted: ...
His name could also be “ENVY,” for everything that is Mine by Divine Right and justice 2, the enemy craves for himself. He is the eternally insatiable being, for he will never receive that for which he craves; his thirst will never end or be quenched. Never satisfied, what was once...
Before His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus promised to send a replacement known as the Holy Spirit; (the third person of the Trinity), which is the indwelling of God’s Spirit within the heart of every believer. Although the Spirit has many functions, we are told here that ...
Share about Jesus after appropriate testing.Our journey needs to be in line with the Gospel of Jesus, the Scriptures, the teaching of the Church, Holy Tradition (Saints, liturgy, prayer, morality, Catechism, Catholic social justice, etc.), and the exhortations of our pastoral leaders. ...
Ok, but what about having four Gospels? Aren't those different Scriptures, different from each other? Yes, there are four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the New Testament. These actually help show that the Bible has never been falsified. These are four witnesses, four accounts...
It ignores many sayings of His, of which the parable of the Mustard Seed may be taken as an example, which prove that He anticipated for Christianity a long development such as it has actually passed through; and it fails to do justice to many passages in His teaching where He speaks of...
42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’[n]? 43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away fro...