import{createElement}from'lwc';importUnitTestfrom'c/unitTest';describe('c-unit-test',()=>{afterEach(()=>{// The jsdom instance is shared across test cases in a single file so reset the DOMwhile(document.body.firstChild){document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild);}});it('displays...
也就是今天说的 Jest Test,Jest Test不只是针对于 lwc可以使用,正常其他的非salesforce的javascript代码同样可以进行使用测试,所以本篇 Jest Test使用只是基于最简单的方式去讲解,深入学习还要看篇头的两个链接自行学习。
运行命令vue create my-app来创建vue项目,找到如图Unit Test这项,选中,回车进行下一步 这里选择jest 项目创建好之后就可以看见这个项目已经具备jest 2. 运行查看测试结果 运行命令yarn test:unit可以看到运行成功 当然也可以将它估计改成不匹配的来查看结果 二、vue2已有项目中手动配置 可能有的小伙伴手里已经有了项...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ /** * This file is the entry for debug single test file in vscode * * Not using node_modules/.bin/jest due to cross platform issues, see * */ require...
To update all outdated snapshots for the tests from a file, use the Click to update failed snapshots next to the test filename. Debug tests With WebStorm, you can quickly start debugging a single Jest test right from the editor or create a run/debug configuration to debug some or all...
To update all outdated snapshots for the tests from a file, use the Click to update failed snapshots next to the test filename. Debug tests With IntelliJ IDEA, you can quickly start debugging a single Jest test right from the editor or create a run/debug configuration to debug some or...
I have experienced this issue since upgrading from 2017.3 to the latest 2018.1.5. Running a jest test seems to work as expected, but when I switch to debug the same test, it hangs. I have simplified this down to a project with a package.json and a single test file. See screenshots...
"test": "jest", ... }, ... } Testing a Component Let us consider a test for a single file Component (a file that contains its html, css and js in one component). To do this, you need to first create a ChatList.vue component in src/components: ...
"test": "jest " } } c. sum.js(就是一个简单的sum 模块) module.exports=sum; function sum(a,b){ return a+b; } d. sum.test.js (按照约定 {name}.test.js 格式的是测试文件) const sum = require("./sum.js"); describe("sum test suit", () => { ...
Because the single test file needs scope isolation when running. Therefore, the test engine is designed to run in the global scope of node, and the code of the test file runs in the local scope of the vm virtual machine in the node environment. ...