SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I need to know the meaning of data stored in the column "STAT" of table JEST. Example:- I0001 - ? I0002 - ? I0010 - ? I0016 - ? I0028 - ? I0045 - ? I0056 - ? I0074 - ? I0118 - ? I0215 - ? I0321 - ? I0361 - ?
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi.. In tbl_alv_out declare status type char4. Let say tbl_jest-status we have AE001, AE002, AE003. then appending in to Out_ALV table w_alv_out-status = w_jest-status+1. Try in this way.. Regards, sg. Reply Former Member 2008 Dec 12...
Konserwacja profilaktyczna:konserwacja, która jest oparta na dawnych wynikach oraz wiedzy i doświadczeniu inżynierów i operatorów. Obejmuje konserwację rutynową, okresową, planowaną lub opartą na czasie. Chociaż często zapobiega awariom, może być niedokładna,...
Former Member In response to former_member188685 2006 Jun 14 12:11 PM 0 Kudos 1,012 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development If you don't want to use loop, then try this: select objnr stat into table t_jest from jest as j where stat = <Internal format of REL> and ...
CRM_JEST is the table to store the status of a CRM order object. The guid there corresponds to the guids of the Header and/or Items of the order object. The header and items guids are available in CRMD_ORDERADM_H and CRMD_ORDERADM_I tables. What else are you looking for? Reg...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse), PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Hi Guru's, Struggling to get the name of Datasource which holds JEST table data, as it is required in my report to PM ORDERS. Please suggest me with the correct DS name? tnxKn...
● Tableti bez tipkovnica: 1. Uključite ili ponovo pokrenite tablet, a zatim pritisnite i kratko držite gumb za smanjivanje glasnoće. 2. Dodirnite f10. 2. Odaberite Sigurnost, a zatim slijedite upute na zaslonu. Vaše će promjene stupiti na snagu kada ponovno pokre...
an OOP background encouraging pragmatism, and Flow from an algebraic data types background encouraging correctness). Imo it would be a shame for the ecosystem to become completely dominated by one type system, and lose the innovation and cross-pollination that the other is bringing to the table...
W badaniu Magazyn DC Equipment 2020 73% uczestników korzystało ze smartfonów i tabletów, 55% skanerów kodów kreskowych i 18% technologii GPS (przy 28% planach wdrożenia GPS w ciągu najbliższych 12 miesięcy). Kluczowe znaczenie ma system WMS, który może wspierać ...
Tipkovnica na zaslonu, koja se prikazuje u načinu rada tableta, ne može pristupiti programu Setup Utility. 1. Pokrenite Setup Utility (BIOS): ● Računala ili tablet-računala s tipkovnicom: ▲ Uključite ili ponovno pokrenite računalo i brzo pritisnite esc, a zatim ...