在 jest 中运行仅仅单个测试(only one test)是简单的 - 仅仅需要临时将test改完test.only: test.only('this will be the only test that runs',()=>{expect(true).toBe(false);});test('this test will not run',()=>{expect('A').toBe('A');}); 如果您有一个测试在作为较大的套件的一部分...
import {runCallback,createObject,getData} from './demo' import Axios from "axios" jest.mock('axios') //模拟axios //回调的异步函数 test('测试runCallback', ()=>{ // 可以自由定义返回值 const func = jest.fn(()=>{ return '456' }) // 上面等同提出来下面 // func.mockImplementation(()...
() => { beforeAll(() => { console.log('我是内部的钩子函数: beforeAll') }) test.only('测试addOne方法', () => { counter.addOne(); expect(counter.number).toBe(1); }) })
The next time you run Jest it will print something like Using Jest CLI v<version>, jasmine2, babel-jest The React, Relay and react-native repositories have excellent examples of tests written by Facebook engineers. Advanced Features Only run test files related to changes with jest -o On ...
Custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOMThe problemYou want to use jest to write tests that assert various things about the state of a DOM. As part of that goal, you want to avoid all the repetitive patterns that arise in doing so. Checking for an element's attributes, its...
"scripts": { "test": "jest" }, 这样就可以通过运行npm run test命令来执行项目中的所有以test.js文件结尾的文件了。npm run test 如下运行结果,就可以很清楚地看到执行测试用例时,哪些用例是成功的,哪些用例是失败的。√ 测试加法3+7 (2ms) × 测试减法3-3 (2ms) ● 测试减法3-3 expect(received)....
It usually takes only a few seconds to give us accurate feedback 通常只需要几秒就能给出准确的反馈 Listening for code changes and automatically executing the test cases corresponding to the changed code. It can greatly improve our development efficiency. ...
With IntelliJ IDEA, you can jump between a file and the related test file and between a test or suite definition and its result in the Test Runner Tab. tip Such navigation works only if the test file follows popular naming conventions, for example, has a .test., .spec., or _spec. su...
"test":"jest","test:watch":"jest --watch","test:cov":"jest --coverage" 有三个命令。第一个是test命令,可以通过执行npm t或npm test来运行。它会使用 Jest 运行测试套件中的所有测试。第二个是watch命令,可以通过运行npm run test:watch启动。此命令会在文件发生更改时运行测试,但仅针对已保存的文件...
In the case where a test is failing, one of the first things you need to check should be whether the test is failing when it's the only test that runs. It's simple to run only one test in Jest - all you need to do is temporarily change that test command to a test.only: ...