Mock Timer 快进时间 模拟时钟的机制 Event Loop Message Queue Job Queue 小结: Mock Logger 第一种方法 第二种方法 Jest 全局 Mock 以实现 Mock 浏览器的 localStorage 为例, 首先添加tests/jest-setup.ts文件: // tests/jest-setup.ts Object.defineProperty(global, 'localStorage', { value: { store: {...
location window.location = Object.defineProperties( {}, { ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(oldWindowLocation), assign: { configurable: true, value: jest.fn(), }, }, ) }) beforeEach(() => { window.location.assign.mockReset() }) afterAll(() => { // restore `window.location` to ...
do stuff});jest.mock("./utils/window");const mockWindowObject = { addEventLi 浏览8提问于2021-05-19得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 如何用jest测试检查窗口未定义的脚本? 、、、 对于导入的类,我通常只需执行jest.mock('foo.js')并添加我的实现...但它不适用于window对象。即使我可以在我的测试中...
window._ = _; window.VUE_APP_DATA.resource ={'app':'cfcf'} } 3. canvas的api报错,比如CanvasRenderingContext2D,需要安装jest-canvas-mock,把他引入jest-setup.js文件中 import 'jest-canvas-mock'; 4.项目中引入第三方库报错,测试时Jest报错,export default portalCommunication; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpec...
fn() constructor( url: string = 'http://mock.localhost', ) { super(url) } onWindow(window: Window) { Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { writable: true, value: this }); return this } } Then in my tests let location: MockLocation beforeEach(() => { location = new Mock...
automock Boolean(默认值:false) 这个配置项用来配置是否将测试文件中所有引入的模块自动变成模拟的模块 如果开启的话,就测试文件中的模块的实现都会被重新实现,但会保留 Api 接口 比如我们要测试某个模块中的某个函数功能: // mod.ts module.exports = () => 1 // index.test.tsx const aotoMockFn = req...
reactRouterReduxMock.push = (url) => { Object.defineProperty(window.location, 'href', { writable: true, value: url }) }) but I'm still getting a jsdom error that I can't seem to get round: TypeError: Cannot read property '_location' of null at Window.location (/Users/user/proje...
When you are importing a default export, it's an instruction to import the property named default from the export object:import moduleName, {foo} from '../moduleName'; jest.mock('../moduleName', () => { return { __esModule: true, default: jest.fn(() => 52), foo: jest.fn((...
jest-location-mock 用于在 Jest 测试中模拟浏览器window.location对象的库。...,根据行云的门禁配置会自动执行项目的单元测试 和苍穹主动执行单测的区别是,苍穹主动执行单测只会执行单元测试,不执行项目发布,而行云会同时执行项目发布和单测 示例 选择元素的方式 getBy* 用于正常的查询元素...:先保存一...