jest.mock("./AwesomeComponent", () => ({ AwesomeComponent: () => { const MockName = "named-awesome-component-mock"; return <MockName />; }, }));Instead of returning a function, the mock returns an object that replaces the export of the file. Inside the object, we state the ...
If you have a component that makes HTTP requests, you’ll probably want to mock those out for UI unit and integration tests. Let’s see how to use jest’s built-in mocking capabilities to do that. Component: import Reactfrom'react'import { loadGreeting }from'./api'function GreetingLoader...
Most real-world examples will actually involve getting a hold of a mock function on a dependent component and then configuring that, but the technique is always the same. In these cases, you have to avoid the temptation of implementing logic inside of any function that's not directly being t...
s mount function. * @function createElement - Creates a wrapper around passed in component with ...
If you have a component that makes HTTP requests, you’ll probably want to mock those out for UI unit and integration tests. Let’s see how to use jest’s built-in mocking capabilities to do that. Component: import Reactfrom'react'import { loadGreeting }from'./api'function GreetingLoader...
在上面的示例中,我们使用jest.mock()函数来模拟MyComponent组件。在第一个测试中,我们渲染了模拟的组件,并断言模拟的组件的文本内容为"Mocked Component"。在第二个测试中,我们渲染了原始的组件,并断言原始组件的文本内容为"Hello, World!"。 这样,我们就可以在某些特定的测试中使用模拟的React组件来替代真实的组件...
使用jest.fn()创建 mock 函数注入到 React props 中,或者直接注入到任何正在测试的函数中。如: constclickFn=jest.fn();constcomponent=shallow(<MyComponentonClick={clickFn}/>);// orfunction(arg1,arg2,clickFn); 这非常有用,可以在声明 mock 函数时直接指定返回值,也可以使用API(如.mockReturnValueOnce(...
.mockImplementation(function) Sets the default mock implementation for the function. .mockReturnThis() Syntactic sugar for: mockFn.mockImplementation(function(){returnthis;}); In case both.mockImplementationOnce()/.mockImplementation()and.mockReturnValueOnce()/.mockReturnValue()are called. The priority...
By defaultmockComponent()will just render a div element. This behavior and more can be change by passing an optional parameter to the function. constsettings={name:'MyDependency',// Component name. Used for error'input',// Controls what element will be render on the dom. Supp...
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