wait-for-expectA await/async function to wait a expect. Useful on e2e test. jest-os-detectionDynamically enable or skip tests based on the OS they run on so you can share the same test suite across various platforms. @fast-check/jestBring property based testing (aka fuzzing) into Jest. ...
Users can use the "jest.shell" setting to either pass the path of another shell (e.g. "/bin/zsh") or a LoginShell config, e.g. {"path": "/bin/bash", "args": ["--login"]}) Note the LoginShell is only applicable for non-windows platform and could cause a bit more overhead...
expect(example.class.constructor.name).toEqual('Bar'); expect(example.class.foo.name).toEqual('foo'); expect(example.class.array.length).toEqual(0); // will create a deeply cloned version of the original object. expect(example.object).toEqual({ baz: 'foo', bar: { fiz: 1, buzz: [],...
expect(utils.isAuthorized.mock).toBeTruthy(); // You can either provide them with your own implementation // or you just pass the expected return value utils.authorize.mockReturnValue('mocked_token'); utils.isAuthorized.mockReturnValue(true); expect(utils.authorize()).toBe('mocked_token'); expec...
expect(json).toEqual({ whatever: 'trevor1' }); */ expect(json).toEqual({ whatever: 'trevor' }); /* expect(json).toEqual({ whatever: 'trevor2' }); */ });OverrideIf you add either expect.assertions(number) or expect.hasAssertions() then your defaults will be favoured and the plugin...
test('app() with jest.spyOn(counter) .toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)',()=>{// existing test setup/assertion codeexpect(counter.getCount()).toEqual(1);}); That’s the difference, in principle you shouldn’t either test the behaviour, in this case, that the counter has been incremented, or...
尝试调用useEffect钩子内的redux操作创建器时出现以下警告- React HookuseEffecthas a missing dependency: 'getPlanQuotes'.Either include it or remove the dependency array react-hooks/exhaustive-deps 这是useEffect钩子- const {getPlanQuotes } = props;useEffect</ ...
accountName'); expect(nameElement.textContent).toBe( 'Account Name: ' + mockGetRecord.fields.Name.value ); const industryElement = element.shadowRoot.querySelector('p.accountIndustry'); expect(industryElement.textContent).toBe( 'Industry: ' + mockGetRecord.fields.Industry.value ); ...
我正在使用酶组装测试一个反应组件(因为我正在测试它的生命周期方法)。我的问题是,我的组件有一个redux连接的子组件,这给了我错误: Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or 浏览4提问于2017-08-22得票数 2 回答已采纳 ...