createMockFromModule注意他的ts写法和js写法的不同,参考文档: 测试第三方模块lodash 测试第三方模块比测试自定义模块更简单,我们首先要建立一个__mocks__文件夹,然后在这个文件夹里面对第三方模块进行重写;然后新建测试导入lodash,并且不需要...
src/lib/mocks/fs.js constpath=require('path');constfs=jest.genMockFromModule('fs');letmockFiles=Object.create(null);function__setMockFiles(newMockFiles){mockFiles=Object.create(null);constkeys=Object.keys(newMockFiles);for(letindex=0;index<keys.length;index+=1){constfile=keys[index];cons...
Then, we create the object that should replace the module’s imports by doing two things: put all the original imports into it and override the functionToMock that we want to mock with a jest mocking function.Then to use the mocked function, we have to import the function from the ...
export default mockAxios; const mockAxios: any = jest.genMockFromModule('axios'); // this is the key to fix the axios.create() undefined error! mockAxios.create = jest.fn(() => mockAxios); mockAxios.get = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} })); ...
ts-jest提供了mock、测试和模块的不同实例 ts-jest是一个用于在TypeScript项目中进行单元测试的工具。它提供了一些功能来模拟、测试和管理模块的不同实例。 Mock(模拟):在单元测试中,有时我们需要模拟一些依赖项或外部服务的行为,以便更好地控制测试环境。ts-jest提供了mock功能,可以模拟函数、对象、类等,使得...
javascript jest.mock('some-module');test('mocking a function', () => { const mockFunction = jest.fn();const result = mockFunction();expect(result).toBe(someValue);});4. 使用 async/await 进行异步测试 Jest 同样支持异步测试。使用 async/await 进行样本测试。javascript test('an async test'...
I'm using the snippet from #1960 to mock Picker in RN import React, {Component} from 'react'; jest.mock(`Picker`, () => { // ...etc }); Works fine in Jest 17, throws following error in Jest 18: /Users/simonsmith/Sites/new-look/newlookapp...
🐛 Bug Report In an ES module Node project, with no Babel, jest.mock works when the mocked module is a node_modules package that exports CommonJS, but it isn't working for me mocking an ES module exported from a file in the same project. ...