No Money, Mo' Problems Jessie tackles Bertram when she catches him spying on her. Bertram admits to Jessie thatMrs. Chesterfieldis blackmailing him into digging up some dirt on her. When Jessie considered breaking up withBrooksso as not to have him live poorly as an elevator operator, Bertra...
Nobody really cares about your problems. 沒有人真的在乎你的問題。 今天聽到這句話超有感 被問到最近好不好 心想最近真的很不好 抱怨一下吧 「天氣冷每天都很掙扎 有點辛苦的冬天 一樣聽音樂看書去音樂會 做開心的事來提振自己」 對方回 「太好了過得很好很充實」 我笑了 每個人看事情的角度都不同...
Even the illustration on the front of A Big Guy Took My Ball is exactly how our two kids often are: the big one trying to play a game (or solve the world’s problems) and the little one draped across his shoulders yelling about a missing ball. 3. Hot Dog 5 – Camping Time! by ...