美味甜点 Dessert Beauty Taste by Jessica Simpson, 2004 品牌:美味甜点 气味:白巧克力蜂蜜杏 属性:女香 评分人数过少 评价: 最明显的气味 杏(33%) 白巧克力(33%) 蜂蜜(33%) +气味投票 香水简介 Dessert Beauty 是一个外国小众香水品牌。 视频与香水细节图查看全部...
Earnings forecasting for the first year of the Dessert line of fragrances of the singer in partnership with Dessert Beauty Inc.; Involvement of Simpson with the designs of the products; Impact of celebrities in advertising products.EBSCO_bspWwd Womens Wear Daily...
She donned a corset and held a cupcake to peddle her edible Jessica Simpson Dessert Beauty products. At the peak of her scripted success, it was Simpson's legs that did all the talking in 2005'sDukes of Hazzard. And then, whenNewlywedsended and Simpson and Lachey subsequen...
杰西卡·辛普森 梦幻甜品 Jessica Simpson Dreamy Dessert, 2004 视频与照片 +上传照片 最新回应: >返回 杰西卡·辛普森 梦幻甜品 的页面
杰西卡·辛普森 果香甜品 Jessica Simpson Juicy Dessert, 2004 品牌:杰西卡·辛普森 香调:果香花香调 气味:花香红浆果 属性:女香 标签:花香水果甜清新 评分人数过少 评价: 最明显的气味 红浆果(67%) 花香(33%) +气味投票 香水简介 Jessica Simpson(杰西卡·辛普森),美国流行歌手,影视演员,也是著名时尚品牌"...
Jessica Simpson is an American singer, actress, entrepreneur, and TV personality who has a net worth of $200 million. Jessica Simpson has earned separate fortunes as an actress, singer, and, more recently, retail entrepreneur. Her line of beauty products and handbags, lingerie, shoes, and boo...
Jessica Simpson(杰西卡·辛普森),美国流行歌手,影视演员,也是著名时尚品牌"Jessica Simpson Collection"开创者。1999年以首支情歌"I Wanna Love You Forever"迅速冲击美国Billboard单曲榜Top3,一举成名,后来主演了风靡世界的电影《正义前锋》中性感的黛西女郎。她的多首单曲与多张专辑曾数次登上世界各国的单曲/专辑榜...
杰西卡·辛普森 奶香甜品 Jessica Simpson Creamy Dessert, 2004 视频与照片+ 上传照片 最新回应: >返回 杰西卡·辛普森 奶香甜品 的页面 香水时代网所有产品设计及其展示形式,独家文字,均已受版权或产权保护。官方产品图及商标知识产权归品牌所有。香水评论均为本网会员上传,著作权归原作者所有,不代表本站立场。未经...
Also in April, Simpson launched a line of kissable, tasteable beauty products, called Dessert Beauty. She also had a sitcom in the works, and was being considered for several movie roles. Simpson has persevered through early career disappointments to achieve her dream of becoming a professional...
Jessica Simpson(杰西卡·辛普森),美国流行歌手,影视演员,也是著名时尚品牌"Jessica Simpson Collection"开创者。1999年以首支情歌"I Wanna Love You Forever"迅速冲击美国Billboard单曲榜Top3,一举成名,后来主演了风靡世界的电影《正义前锋》中性感的黛西女郎。她的多首单曲与多张专辑曾数次登上世界各国的单曲/专辑榜...