Jesse Pinkman确实不是一个讨喜的角色,编剧也没有想让剧里哪个人物去迎合观众喜好,甚至小粉这个角色规避...
537001:00 【Pinkman】im all yours. 東風谷_雨果· 2022-9-15 629000:10 Jessepinkman 小眠M_012332· 2023-1-17 551025:00 Jessie第一季1 神山满月54· 2023-10-4 1.4万14903:38 【Jesse Eisenberg个人】访谈中挠头集锦 斗儿· 2016-8-19 844207:21 Jesse McCartney 采访 隐身的男孩· 2022-1-3 17.8...
the Georgia O’Keefe exhibit Breaking Bad Season 3 Episode 11 "Abiquiu"
During his time on the series, Jesse Pinkman was involved with two women, namely: Jane Margolis and Andrea Cantillo. Jane, a tattoo artist, was a hedonistic lover of life while Andrea was a reserved mother. There is an argument for each of them as better long-term partners for Jesse. ...
Jesse Bruce Pinkman, also known by his clandestine pseudonym and business moniker Cap'n Cook, is a former chemist, manufacturer, and distributor who worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently residing in Haines, Alaska. Originally a low-level methamphe
In this scene from the new episode, Gustavo's henchman Mike, played by Jonathan Banks, learns of Gustavo's death and confronts Walt, played by Bryan Cranston, and his assistant Jesse Pinkman, who's played by Aaron Paul.(SOUNDBITE OF TELEVISION PROGRAM, "BREAKING BAD")JONATHAN BANKS: (As ...
Pinkman is hypocritical traitor scum without any honor and gratitude. he deserved far more than what he got in that Nazi-dungeon. I wonder whether there would have been so many Jesse fans if he would not have been a good-looking young man. ...
Jesse Pinkman endured endless heartbreak and pain over the 62 episodes and five seasons that make up AMC’s Emmy-winning drama series “Breaking Bad.” Don’t believe us? Just watch the Jesse-centric supercut Netflix released to get viewers ready for the upcoming release of “El Camino: A ...
When the two men first met, Mike (Jonathan Banks) was very open about his dislike for Jesse Pinkman. As he got to know Jesse better, however, Mike's opinion softened, and he truly came to trust Jesse. Eventually, Mike even became a bit of a mentor to Jesse. Much of Mike's advice...