Jesse Pinkman确实不是一个讨喜的角色,编剧也没有想让剧里哪个人物去迎合观众喜好,甚至小粉这个角色规避...
but not Jesse.Jesse lost his "children above all" high moral ground when he colluded with Gus and he had no right whatsoever to betray Walt in Season 5.And let's not forget that by burning Walt's house down, he could have hurt children. All the things Pinkman was mad ...
Jesse Pinkman was involved with two women in Breaking Bad, and both Jane and Andrea made good partners for him in different ways.
Jesse Bruce Pinkman was born on September 24, 1984, to Adam and Diane Pinkman, an upper middle-class family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He had a younger brother, Jake, and an aunt, Ginny. Jesse met Emilio Koyama in elementary school and befriended him, and later befriended Christian "...
When the two men first met, Mike (Jonathan Banks) was very open about his dislike for Jesse Pinkman. As he got to know Jesse better, however, Mike's opinion softened, and he truly came to trust Jesse. Eventually, Mike even became a bit of a mentor to Jesse. Much of Mike's advice...
At the end of the"Breaking Bad" series finale(obviously, stop reading if you haven't watched it), Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) escapes death and drives off into the night, and that’s the last we see of him. But what happens after that? The acclaimed drama's creator, Vince Gilligan, ...
A short while later, a clean-up crew and locksmith arrive to repair the damage young Mr. Pinkman inflicted upon the structure. Huell’s there, too; Walt asks him to swing by the high school and do some Jesse recon on his way back to Saul’s. “I can’t believe he would go after...
Vaikea kohtaus - Redditin AMA:ssa Aaron Paul paljasti, että vaikein kohtaus kuvata oliJanenkuolema (JessePinkmanin tyttöystävä, jota esitti Krysten Ritter). ParaCrawl Corpus ThinkingJane'sdeath was his fault,Jessegets depressed and runs away. ...
Pinkman as the character is set to return for theBreaking Badmovie follow-up that is reported to already be underway. Calling Pinkman an "innocent bystander" to Walter's criminality, Cranston said he hopes the new movie gives Jesse a chance to finally grow as a person and discover true ...