NOTE For good correlation of results between moisture/reflow-induced stress sensitivity testing (per J-STD-020 and JESD22-A113) and actual reflow conditions used, identical temperature measurements by both the SMD manufacturer and the board assembler are necessary. Therefore, it is recommended that ...
However, the soak condition used must be consistent with the floor life information in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. Reflow requirements are provided for both SnPb and Pb-free conditions and should be used based on the intended end use of the component. The same package may have different MSL levels...
soak condition used must be consistent with the floor life information in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. Reflow requirements are provided for both SnPb and Pb-free conditions and should be used based on the intended end use of the component. The same package may have different MSL levels depending...
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020, 非密封固态表面贴装器件的潮湿度/回流敏感性分类 IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033, 潮湿度/回流敏感性表面贴装器件的处理、包装、运输和使用 ECIA/IPC/JEDEC J-STD-075, 组装工艺中被动和固态器件的分类 JESD22-B101, 外观可见性测试方法 JESD22-A104, 温度循环测试方法 JESD625, 静电放电敏感(...
参考标准:JESD22-A113I-2020 /IPCJEDEC J-STD-020F-2022 OCR:长芯科技 OCR:可靠性试验项目 南京长芯检测科技有限公司 回流焊(简称:IRReflow... 相关企业信息 公司名称: 南京长芯检测科技有限公司 法人代表:夏富强 注册资本:2000万人民币 成立时间:2021-09-06 ...
标准名称:JESD22-A113I - 非密封表面贴装器件在可靠性测试前的预处理方法(修订版A113H) 适用范围: 本标准提供了一种适用于非密封表面贴装器件的行业标准预处理方法,该方法模拟了典型的多道回流焊接工艺过程。这些器件在出厂前应按照本文档中的适当预处理顺序进行预处理,并提交给特定的内部可靠性测试(包括... ...
the soak condition used must be consistent with the floor life information in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. Reflow requirements are provided for both SnPb and Pb-free conditions and should be used based on the intended end use of the component. The same package may have different MSL levels depending...