Our favorite cast is back together! The ‘Seinfeld’ men reunited for a charity event hosted by Jerry Seinfeld himself on March 4, and the pics really make us want to grab a cup of coffee and ‘yada yada yada!’ Seinfeld, how we’ve missed you! Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander and Mich...
對Seinfeld 的粉絲來說,這組迷人的公寓可以有無窮無盡的玩法,絕對不容錯過⋯之類的 (yada, yada, yada)。那就動作快(Giddy-Up!),趁這套盒組還沒售罄前,入手這間經典公寓,就能重溫歡樂的追劇時光、盡情享受懷舊樂趣! SEINFELD 與所有相關角色與元素 © & ™ 城堡石娛樂公司。WB SHIELD:TM & ...
seinfeld ? well, it involves a lot of coffee, cars, and still doing stand-up. we asked the comedy legend about the show’s best moments and his ideal fan interaction. by caity weaver may 23, 2017 save save jerry seinfeld’s eponymous sitcom launched a volley of future comic legends (ju...
Jerry Seinfeldwas doing a standup set recently and yada yada yada there might be some kind ofSeinfeldreunion in the works. Okay, here’s the non-yada yada yada version: Seinfeld was doing a show recently in Boston, when he fielded a question from the audience about the infamous series fin...
Jerry Seinfeldwas doing a standup set recently and yada yada yada there might be some kind ofSeinfeldreunion in the works. Okay, here’s the non-yada yada yada version: Seinfeld was doing a show recently in Boston, when he fielded a question from the audience about the infamous series fin...
Yada, Yada, Yada: Jerry Seinfeld Kills at First Beacon Gig Comedy icon kicks off his 2016 NYC residency with a question: "What else is annoying in the world, besides everything?" TV & Movies By Matthew Love Jerry Seinfeld Tackles Buffets in Hilarious 'Late Show' Stand-Up Legendary...
宋飞自创的catch phrase实在太多了,尤其是最精华的四五六七季,什么high talker, close talker, re-gifter, 简直是层出不穷影响最大的还是yada yada,每隔一阵总能在什么地方听到这词儿 我觉得其他如六人行之类的sitcom最难和宋飞匹敌的还是在语言上,完全没有seinfeld universe那种文字韵味,这也是字幕难产的原因,我看...
It was called "the show about nothing," yet over nine seasons Seinfeld mattered very much to...Rothschild, Richard
Jerry_Seinfeld - A variety of news, articles and updates on Jerry_Seinfeld on Israel National News - Arutz Sheva
Jerry Maren Actor (b: 01/24/1920) - The Wizard Of Oz, Superman & The Mole Men, Spaceballs, At The Circus, Planet of The Apes, Under The Rainbow, TRON, Little Cigars, Andys Gang (as Buster Brown), Lidsville (as Boris), The Gong Show, Seinfeld (Dad in Yada Yada ep)[more...]...