Features Watch: Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld Waste Time, Charmingly, in ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ Watch: Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld Waste Time, Charmingly, in 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee' By Alison Willmore July 20, 2012 3:05 pmPrev...
Jerry Seinfeld is a renowned American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer, celebrated for his mastery of observational comedy. He gained international fame as the co-creator and star of the groundbreaking NBC sitcom *Seinfeld,* which aired from 1989 to 1998. The show became one of...
“This really did happen in Battle Creek, Michigan, where Kellogg’s and Post were located, and they did compete to come up with this product,” Seinfeld has said.“But the rest of it is complete lunacy. … We’re going to tell you a story, but if w...
Ahead of that, Netflix has slated Seinfeld’s first stand-up special for the streamer to launch worldwide Tuesday, Sept. 19. The hourlong special, titled Jerry Before Seinfeld, will see the comedian return to New York City’s famed The Comic Strip — the club that helped launch his caree...
Now, Seinfeld is getting back into the director’s chair to direct his very first narrative feature, and it’s about the history of how, of all things, one of America’s favorite sugary breakfast snacks came to be. “Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story” is directed by Seinfeld, who also co...
Jerry Seinfeld: And the captain is doing – where’s the captain? Alec Baldwin: Yeah. Jerry Seinfeld: He’s getting high and sleeping with the first mate. Alec Baldwin: Yeah. He’s asleep, period. Jerry Seinfeld: Yeah. So it’s too much time and energy spent on that is not the jui...
Jerry Seinfeld became emotional while discussing his trip to Israel after October 7.(The Free Press/YouTube/Screenshot) Protesters also greetedthe "Seinfeld" creatoras he left the "State of the World Jewry Address" with Weiss in February. One of the agitators cursed at Seinfeld and called hi...
Jerry Seinfeld Cheapest event in New Yorkfor Jerry Seinfeld on our site Dec 21 Sat 5:00 PM Dec 21 Sat 8:00 PM See tickets Dec 07 Sat 8:00 PM Next weekend Dec 13 Fri 7:00 PM Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, FL, USA Jerry Seinfeld ...
“I had his number in an email from a previous Steve Somers situation,” Rosenberg explained. “So I checked that and it matched. That made me feel a lot better. I was thinking, ‘It’s a Tuesday night and if someone’s pranking Jerry Seinfeld’s voice, you gotta get a life.’” ...
After seeing Jerry Seinfeld’s latest acquisition via Instagram I think its apparent we need to purchase him such book and or ask Spike Feresten or one of his buddies to give him some tips on properly photographing his cars. Johnny Depp Calendar 2025, Johnny Depp Celebrity 2025 Wall Calendar ...