写在前面:第二更来辣!本期我们迎来了新翻译官秋雨合作翻译,所以是一期长篇。本次我们将继续讲述Jeremy年轻时候的故事和精彩的演艺经历。谢谢大家继续保持关注,未完待续!非授翻,勿转载,侵删。正文:RENNER GREW UP in Modesto, a small city in California’s Central
“鹰眼”Jeremy Renner登上《Men's Health》杂志写真,叔53岁状态! û收藏 53 10 ñ193 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 电影博主 3 公司 中土世界人才交流中心 Ü 简介: 每个月总有30天想看电影 更多a 微关系 他的关注(343) ...
Renner isn’t being confrontational or evasive, and our interview goes well beyond the allotted time. “You’re asking questions and I share with you as I would with my father or one of my best friends. Right? It doesn’t change.” Deep and contemplative, even with eight-year-old Ava....
Jeremy Renner必须直面恐惧);副标题/引言是“From 'The Hurt Locker' to 'Hawkeye' and from sharks to fires, Jeremy Renner is fighting his demons and finding himself.”(从《拆弹部队》到《鹰眼》,Jeremy Renner战胜心魔、找寻自我。);原文作者:ALEX BHATTACHARJI,发表时间:2021/11/17;链接:https://www...
‘Let’s spend time with those that we care about—not focused on the next rung in the ladder, chasing whatever we were chasing.’ ” Familiar and resonant themes for Renner. “I live my life by that, right?” he says. “I’ve been doing this for so long. I was the king of ...