刚看完Clarkson's Farm第二季,心血来潮的我决定亲自去Diddly Squat农场一探究竟。农场位于英格兰美丽的乡村风光Cotswolds区,远离城市的喧嚣,田园风光让人心旷神怡。一到农场,我就被排队去商店购物的人群吓了一跳。虽然已经是下午2点多,但前来农场的人络绎不绝,热闹非凡。不得不感叹Jeremy的粉丝效应真是强大。虽然...
话说,英国知名主持人、记者、作家杰瑞米·克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)最近遇到了一次事业危机。 他目前跟Amazon Prime合作了两档节目—— 汽车节目“壮游”(The Grand Tour), 以及纪录片节目“克拉克森的农场”(Clarkson's Farm),让他尝试经营一家农场。 两个节目的合约签到了2024年, 但据媒体报道,Amazon Prime很可能...
克拉克森写文章抨击梅根,三女星拒绝与其同台,亚马逊工作也丢了 62岁的杰里米·克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)是一位英国著名主持人,也是赛车手。真人纪录片《克拉克森的农场》(Clarkson’s Farm)在我国热播后,这位笑料百出的“大农场主”在我国也收获了许多粉丝。然而,据英国《镜报》当地时间2月3日消息,近日,杰里...
Jeremy Clarkson, the 64-year-old TV star, alongside his partner Lisa Hogan, has grown quite fond of the farm animals they’ve been raising for years in Oxford shire. Fans of the Prime Video hit series Clarkson’s Farm have been attracted to Jeremy’s agricultural adventures since it first...
Kaleb Cooper was a farm worker who’d never left his hometown when the cameras started rolling on Clarkson’s Farm. Series Three starts on 3rd May on Prime Video.
Jeremy Clarksonis back and bolder than ever as he returns to the farm in Season 2 of “Clarkson’s Farm.” The popular Prime Video farming show follows theGrand Tourpresenter as he tries to win over the Chadlington locals and tackle some of the biggest challenges ...
Clarkson's new show, chronicling his life over the last year at the working farm he bought in Oxfordshire, kicks off next month
BBC《Top Gear》三贱客的大猩猩Jeremy Clarkson被开了以后,在Amazon Video的支持下整了个活儿,名字也很直接:《Clarkson Farm克拉克森农场》,现在到了第二季。这种真人秀非常酷也很新奇,可以说是种地真人秀第一人,顺便窥视到欧美的农业活动,从装备、技术、法律、流程。老头也是延续以往的风格,各种fuck不消音那种,副手...
Jeremy Clarkson has revealed he is taking one last gamble to save Diddly Squat Farm from closing down. The Clarkson's Farm star has admitted he has considered selling the farm he bought in Chadlington, Oxfordshire, in 2008 after several years of trying to turn it into a profitable ...
“I have binge watched all of #ClarksonsFarm today – and I already want another series! @JeremyClarkson is it going to be happening?” a Twitter user asked. This was followed by a quick reply from Jeremy: “Sure is. We are in the middle of filming it n...