Jeremiah 6:10 Hebrew uncircumcised 耶利米書 6 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗;因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。 2 那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(就是指民的意思),我必剪除。 3 牧人必引他们的羊群到他那着,在他周围支搭帐棚,各在自己...
耶利米書 6 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗;因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。 2 那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(就是指民的意思),我必剪除。 3 牧人必引他们的羊群到他那着,在他周围支搭帐棚,各在自己所占之地使羊吃草。 4 你们要准备攻击他...
16) Forrest Lamp - G, Western Kentucky Lamp carries weight well on his 6-foot-4 frame. He excelled at offensive tackle in college, but I believe it would be in his best interest to move inside to guard at the next level. This is one of the more technically sound linemen you'll see...
Sat 11/16 @ARIZ L27-3 6 2 4 0 Sun 11/3 vs17KSU W24-19 5 4 1 0 Sun 10/27 vsUTAH W17-14 1 1 0 0 Defensive statistics not considered official Latest News See All Sanders if passed at 1: 'Why would I be mad?' 2h Turron Davenport All the buzz about class of 2026's fiv...
Previous rank: 6 Tua lacks ideal height for the position, but he has quick feet, eyes and release. He primarily operated in the 'gun at Alabama, but he did take some snaps under center. He is very crisp and urgent in his setup. He throws off a firm platform and he spins t...
I know it may be hard for you to believe this, but I recently got to know that the earth is around 6,000 years old. Carbon 14, the radioactive isotope, decays wayy too fast. If the entire earth was made out of C-14, it would all have decayed by now. We should expect zero Ca...
2Ist November 2004: The Feast of Christ the King VOTE JESUS FOR FIRST MINISTER! By the Revd Peter Neilson Edinburgh Jeremiah 23:I-6; Colossians I:II-20; Luke 23:33-43Expository Times International Journal of Biblical Studies Theology & Ministry...
Jewish historian Josephus Flavius (Titus Flavius Josephus), who was charged with treason against the Galilee area during Roman attacks against the settlement of Yodfat. The author recalls his experiences of acting as Josephus in a mock trial as a child in British Mandatory Palestine and comparing ...
耶利米書 6 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6便 雅悯人哪 , 你们要逃出耶路撒冷 , 在提哥亚吹角 , 在伯哈基琳立号旗 ; 因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。 2那 秀美娇嫩的锡安女子 ( 就是指民的意思 ) , 我必剪除。 3牧 人必引他们的羊群到他那着 , 在他周围...
耶利米書 6 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6 便雅悯人哪,你们要逃出耶路撒冷,在提哥亚吹角,在伯哈基琳立号旗;因为有灾祸与大毁灭从北方张望。 2 那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(就是指民的意思),我必剪除。 3 牧人必引他们的羊群到他那着,在他周围支搭帐棚,各在自己所占之地使羊吃...