30於 是耶和华的话临到耶利米说 : 31你 当寄信给一切被掳的人说 : 耶和华论到尼希兰人示玛雅说 : 因为示玛雅向你们说预言 , 我并没有差遣他 , 他使你们倚靠谎言 ; 32所 以耶和华如此说 : 我必刑罚尼希兰人示玛雅和他的後裔 ...
耶利米書 17 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 17 犹大的罪是用铁笔、用金钢钻记录的,铭刻在他们的心版上和坛角上。 2 他们的儿女记念他们高冈上、青翠树旁的坛和木偶。 3 我田野的山哪,我必因你在四境之内所犯的罪,把你的货物、财宝,并邱坛当掠物交给仇敌; 4 并且你因自己的罪必...
Sun 10/27 vsUTAH W17-14 1 1 0 0 Defensive statistics not considered official Latest News See All Sanders if passed at 1: 'Why would I be mad?' 2h Turron Davenport All the buzz about class of 2026's five-stars and top QB re… 3h Eli Lederman Post-Senior Bowl NFL draft rankings...
Thomas has a very lean, muscular frame with the potential to add another 10-15 pounds. This is a fun player to study. He lines up inside and outside and he's extremely explosive. As a run defender, he can easily stack and hold the point of attack vs. single blocks but he will get...
30) Marlon Davidson, Edge School: Auburn | Year: Senior Davidson has average height and a thick/square build. He typically lined up at defensive end for the Tigers, but also possesses the ability to slide inside. As a pass rusher, he is devastating when he has a runway. He gene...
27-17 3217.0150144.004 Sat 9/28@RUTG L 21-18 66711.2170000.000 Sun 9/22vsNU W 24-5 34113.7180000.000 Sun 9/15vsWSU L 24-19 22110.5150000.000 Sun 9/8vsEMU W 30-9 57214.4241000.000 Total3649013.6421144.004 Glossary AVG:Yards Per Reception ...
Isaiah 30:18Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He rises to show you compassion, for the LORD is a just God. Blessed are all who wait for Him.Psalm 146:5Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,Matthew 5:3-12“...
Review 4 Jul 30, 2021 MainframeSupertasker (1700) wsswan (1009) ½ ½ 94.9 92.6 71 Jul 17, 2021 wsswan (1009) MainframeSupertasker (1700) 0 1 71.8 82.5 37 Jul 17, 2021 MainframeSupertasker (1700) wsswan (1009) 1 0 76.5 38.3 10 Jul 17, 2021 wsswan (1009) Mainf...
KJV + Strong's ◄Jeremiah 17► KJV + Strong's The Sin and Punishment of Judah 1The sinof Judah[is] writtenwith a penof iron,[and] with the pointof a diamond:[it is] gravenupon the tableof their heart,and upon the hornsof your altars;...
耶利米書 17 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 17犹 大的罪是用铁笔、用金钢钻记录的 , 铭刻在他们的心版上和坛角上。 2他 们的儿女记念他们高冈上、青翠树旁的坛和木偶。 3我 田野的山哪 , 我必因你在四境之内所犯的罪 , 把你的货物、财宝 , 并邱坛当掠物交给仇敌 ; ...