Jeremiah 171. The captivity of Judah for her sin.5. Trust in man is cursed;7. in God is blessed.9. The deceitful heart cannot deceive God.12. The salvation of God.15. The prophet complains of the mockers of his prophecy.19. He is sent to renew the covenant in hallowing the Sabbath...
RCU17SS 所以万军之耶和华如此说: “看哪,我要熬炼他们,考验他们; 不然,为了我的百姓,我该如何行呢? RCU17TS 所以萬軍之耶和華如此說: 「看哪,我要熬煉他們,考驗他們; 不然,為了我的百姓,我該如何行呢? Jeremiah 9:6 Top Jeremiah 9:8 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)(CCB)Chinese Contemporary Bi...
RCU17SS 你们岂可偷盗,杀害,奸淫,起假誓,向巴力烧香,随从素不认识的别神, RCU17TS 你們豈可偷盜,殺害,姦淫,起假誓,向巴力燒香,隨從素不認識的別神, Jeremiah 7:8 Top Jeremiah 7:10 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)(CCB)Chinese Contemporary Bible Copyright © 1979, 2005, 2007, 2011 by Biblica...
11/17 湖人 104-99(败) 33 4-9 44.4% 2-6 33.3% 0-0 0% 9 1 0 0 1 3 10 11/16 掘金 94-101(胜) 22 2-4 50.0% 0-1 0% 2-2 100% 8 2 0 0 0 1 6 11/14 雷霆 88-106(败) 24 1-7 14.3% 1-5 20.0% 2-2 100% 6 1 0 0 2 2 5 11/12 篮网 107-105(败) 20 6-...
Jer 17:9,10 and the vanity of it is exposed by a partridge sitting on eggs without hatching them, Jer 17:11, and their departure from God, by trusting in the creature, and in outward things, is aggravated by their temple being the throne and seat of the divine Majesty; by what God...
Jer 17:9,10 and the vanity of it is exposed by a partridge sitting on eggs without hatching them, Jer 17:11, and their departure from God, by trusting in the creature, and in outward things, is aggravated by their temple being the throne and seat of the divine Majesty; by what God...
Daniel Jeremiah's top 50 prospects in the 2017 NFL Draft: Last updated: Jan. 17, 2017 1) Myles Garrett - DE, Texas A&M Garrett has ideal size, length, and athleticism. In the passing game, he explodes out of his stance and can win with speed, power or hand moves. He can bend/...
17) A'Shawn Robinson, DT School: Alabama Robinson was a two-year starter at defensive tackle for the Crimson Tide. He has outstanding height, bulk and athleticism for the position. Against the run, he uses his length and strength to stack blockers and holds the point of attack. His pad...